356 9 Intermetallic Alloys
temperature to anneal out the excess point defects originating from crystal
growth. Specimens for in situ straining experiments were cut with a [753]
tensile axis and (1
21) foil planes. Samples for macroscopic compression tests
were prepared with the same loading axis and a (13
50 53) side face about
off (0
11). This orientation favors slip on the (101)[11
1] system. Notable
orientation factors also have (011)[11
1], (101)[010], and (011)[100].
In FeAl, there is a transition of the dominating Burgers vector from 111
to 100 [585,586] just at the temperature of the flow stress peak, which might
cause the anomaly [587]. However, rapid quenching after deformation showed
that dislocations with 111 Burgers vectors dominate during deformation at
the high strain rate of 5 × 10
even at the high temperature of about
C [588]. Similarly, it was observed that the deformation at the peak tem-
perature of 550
C started by dislocations with 111 Burgers vectors, whereas
those with 100 Burgers vectors appeared only after a few percent of plastic
strain [589]. Conventional TEM in the high-voltage electron microscope of
macroscopically deformed specimens was performed to secure that the defor-
mation of the present material is carried by dislocations of the same Burgers
vector up to the flow stress maximum. In Fig. 4.40, the temperatures at which
dislocation structures were studied are marked by dashed grey vertical lines.
The microstructure with dislocations of 111 Burgers vectors after defor-
mation at 495
C was presented in Fig. 3.22. Dislocations with these Burgers
vectors prevail up to the flow stress maximum. Stereo image pairs show that
most dislocations are not confined to their slip planes indicating the impor-
tance of climb. Further deformation at 564
C activates dislocations with 100
Burgers vectors as demonstrated before in Fig. 1.4.
Due to elastic instabilities, many dislocation lines of both Burgers vectors
exhibit an angular shape with a sharp knee. Some of them are indicated in the
figures. If the overall orientation of a dislocation lies in the unstable range, the
dislocation decomposes into stable segments as labeled by A in Fig. 3.22. In
[590], a comprehensive study was given of the elastic properties of dislocations
with all relevant Burgers vectors in B2 Fe–Al of different composition. Accord-
ing to that, dislocations with 111 and 100 Burgers vectors are elastically
unstable in certain orientation ranges. The insets of Figs. 3.22 and 1.4 present
the calculated shapes of dislocation loops on the (101) plane using the line
tension model in anisotropic elasticity with elastic constants from [591]. The
line tension maxima and minima of the 111 dislocations are not located at
the screw and edge orientations. They differ by a factor of about 8, resulting in
the elongated shape of the equilibrium loop. Between about 38
and 55
, i.e.,
for orientations close to [10
1], the dislocations are unstable resulting in edges
in the dislocation line. These knees and preferential orientations are evident
in Fig. 3.22, which also shows many mixed dislocations having decomposed
into a zig-zag shape, e.g., at A. The energy of the [010] dislocation shows an
anomalous decrease with increasing edge character with its minimum at about
. The shape of this dislocation is symmetric around the Burgers vector
direction with relatively flat segments at the two 111 orientations. The screw