328 9 Intermetallic Alloys
1. A narrow band originates from a crack. The dislocations move in a jerky mode
over distances large compared to the obstacle distance along the dislocations,
frequently in a collective way.
2. This clip shows the head of a slip band mostly consisting of screw dislocations.
Partially, the leading dislocations overcome individual obstacles. Some of them
are jogs which, along the screw dislocations, are driven toward the edge com-
ponents. The edge segments are also locally pinned. Later on, dislocations are
driven by the stress field of the succeeding dislocations and move over larger
3. In the interior of the band in 2., many dislocation segments are of near edge
character. Their mode of motion resembles that of the screw dislocations.
These sequences illustrate that the kinematic behavior of mixed and edge
ordinary dislocations is similar to that of screws, and that the dislocations in
dense bands move in a collective way, indicating the importance of long-range
elastic interactions between the dislocations.
Superdislocations mostly move in jumps over long distances. Only once
their motion has been recorded on video tape.
Video 9.4. Motion of 101 superdislocations in γ-TiAl at room temperature: The
video is from the same experiment as Fig. 9.10 is. The image normal is [110]. 1/2[
is the only possible Burgers vector direction of ordinary dislocations, which is per-
pendicular to the [001] diffraction vector and the image normal. There are no
(screw) dislocations visible in this orientation. Thus, all dislocations in this video
are superdislocations. A few dislocations move almost simultaneously right of the
circular marks. The left ones belong to the (
111) slip plane, which is oriented edge-
on. The right one glides on the (111) plane, which is also the slip plane of Fig. 9.10.
Since the specimen normal is not identical with the image normal, the traces of the
slip plane in the video and in the figure are not perpendicular to the [001] g vector.
These superdislocations move over shorter distances in a jerky way.
Part of the plastic deformation of γ-TiAl is also carried by the formation
of deformation twins. This mechanism was briefly introduced in Sect. 3.3.3.
The motion of twinning dislocations was recorded in the following video.
Video 9.5. Motion of twinning dislocations in γ-TiAl at room temperature:
Between obstacles, the twinning dislocations bow out like ordinary and superdis-
locations. However, owing to their low line tension, the bowing is very strong. The
jerky motion of the twinning dislocations is most similar to that of the ordinary
ones, including the collective behavior in the twinning lamella.
It may be concluded in a qualitative sense that all types of dislocations, ordi-
nary, super, and twinning dislocations, are impeded by similar obstacles and
that they move in a jerky way by jumps over different distances, depending
on the average dislocation velocity.
To obtain quantitative data on the obstacle mechanism, the distances l
between the pinning points were measured along the dislocations. For ordi-
nary dislocations of all characters as well as for screw superdislocations the