String Theory Demystifi ed
of gravity, are not attached to D-branes. They can travel or “leak off” a D-brane,
so we don’t see as many of them. This explains what until now has been a great
mystery, why electromagnetism (and the other known forces) is so much stronger
than gravity.
So this picture of the universe has a three-dimensional brane (or 3D-brane)
embedded in a higher-dimensional space-time called the bulk. Since we interact
with the physical world primarily through electromagnetic forces (light, chemical
reactions, etc.), which are mediated by particles that are really strings stuck to the
brane, we experience the world as having three spatial dimensions. Gravity is
mediated by strings that can leave the brane and travel off into the bulk, so we see
it as a much weaker force. If we could probe the bulk somehow, we would see that
gravity is actually comparable in strength.
We live in a world with three spatial dimensions. In a nutshell this means that there
are three distinct directions through which movement is possible: up-down, left-
right, and forward-backward. In addition, we have the fl ow of time (forward only as
far as we know). Mathematically, this gives us the relativistic description of
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It is possible to imagine a world where one of the spatial directions or dimensions
have been removed (say up-down). Such a two-dimensional world was described by
Edward Abbott in his classic Flatland. What if instead, we added dimensions? This
idea is actually pretty useful in physics, because it provides a pathway toward
unifying different physical theories. This kind of thinking was originally put forward
by two physicists named Kaluza and Klein in the 1920s. Their idea was to bring
gravity and electromagnetism into a single theoretical framework by imagining that
these two theories were four-dimensional limits of a fi ve-dimensional supertheory.
This idea did not work out, because back then people did not know about quantum
fi eld theory and so did not have a complete picture of particle interactions, and did
not know that the fully correct description of electromagnetic interactions is provided
by quantum electrodynamics. But this idea has a lot of appeal and reemerged in
string theory.
Kaluza and Klein had to explain why we don’t see the higher dimension, and hit
upon the idea of compactifi cation—a procedure where we make the higher
dimensions so small they are not detectable at lower energy (i.e., on the kind of
energy scales that we live in). If they are small enough, the extra dimensions can’t
be noticed or detected scientifi cally without the existence of the appropriate
technology. If they are so small that they are on the Planck scale, we might not be
able to see them at all. This concept is illustrated in Fig. 1.8.