line-строки, то the backslash and the line-строки termination-завершение (either newline or
carriage return and newline) are ignored-игнорировать, so that the string-строка continues-
продолжается with the next line-линии. No other special combinations of backslash with
another character are recognized; when backslash appears before-до any character other than
", \, or a line termination, the backslash is ignored-игнорируется. There is no way to represent-
представить a special character (such as tab, newline, or carriage return) except-
за_исключением by embedding the literal character in the string.
There is no character type in Maxima (это не типично для Maxima); a single character is
represented-представлен as a one-character string.
Maxima strings are implemented-осуществлены as Lisp symbols, not Lisp strings; that
may change in a future version of Maxima. Maxima can display Lisp strings and Lisp characters,
although-хотя some other operations (for example, equality tests) may fail-сбоить.
The stringproc add-on package contains many functions for working with strings.
(%i1) s_1 : "This is a Maxima string.";
(%o1) This is a Maxima string.
(%i2) s_2 : "Embedded \"double quotes\" and backslash \\ characters.";
(%o2) Embedded "double quotes" and backslash \ characters.
(%i3) s_3 : "Embedded line termination
in this string.";
(%o3) Embedded line termination
in this string.
(%i4) s_4 : "Ignore the \line termination \
characters in \
this string.";
(%o4) Ignore the line termination characters in this string.
(%i5) stringdisp : false;
(%o5) false
(%i6) s_1;
(%o6) This is a Maxima string.
(%i7) stringdisp : true;
(%o7) true
(%i8) s_1;
(%o8) "This is a Maxima string."
8.7 Inequality - Неравенства
Maxima has-имеет the inequality operators <, <=, >=, >, #, and notequal. See-смотри
if for-для a description-описания of conditional-условий expressions-выражений.
8.8 Syntax - Синтаксис
It is possible to define new operators with specified precedence-предшествование, to
undefine-переопределить existing operators, or to redefine the precedence of existing
operators. An operator may be unary prefix or unary postfix, binary infix, n-ary infix,
matchfix, or nofix. "Matchfix" means-средства a pair-сравнение of symbols which enclose-
заключены their argument or arguments, and "nofix" means-средство an operator which takes-
берёт no arguments. As examples of the different types of operators, there are the following.