Option variable: ratfac
Default value: false
When ratfac is true, canonical rational expressions (CRE) are manipulated in a
partially factored form.
During-в_течение rational operations the expression is maintained as fully factored as
possible without calling factor. This should always save space and may save time in some
computations. The numerator-числитель and denominator-знаменатель are made relatively
prime, for example rat ((x^2 - 1)^4/(x + 1)^2) yields (x - 1)^4 (x + 1)^2), but the factors within
each part may not be relatively prime.
In the ctensr (Component Tensor Manipulation) package, Ricci, Einstein, Riemann, and
Weyl tensors and the scalar curvature are factored automatically when ratfac is true.
ratfac should only be set for cases where the tensorial components are known to consist of
few terms.
The ratfac and ratweight schemes are incompatible and may not both be used at the
same time.
Функция: ratnumer (expr)
Returns the numerator-числитель of expr, after coercing expr to a canonical rational
expression (CRE). The return value is a CRE.
expr is coerced to a CRE by rat if it is not already a CRE. This conversion may change
the form of expr by putting all terms-термы over a common denominator-знаменатель.
num is similar, but returns an ordinary expression instead-вместо of a CRE. Also-также,
num does not attempt-пытается to place all terms-термы over a common denominator-
знаменатель, and thus some expressions which are considered ratios-дроби by ratnumer are
not considered ratios by num.
Функция: ratnump (expr)
Returns true if expr is a literal integer or ratio-дробь of literal integers, otherwise-иначе
false. Символ p — означает предикат.
Функция: ratp (expr)
Returns true if expr is a canonical rational expression (CRE) or extended CRE,
otherwise-иначе false.
CRE are created by rat and related functions. Extended CRE are created by taylor
and related functions. Символ p — означает предикат.
Option variable: ratprint
Default value: true
When ratprint is true, a message-сообщение informing-информирует the user-
пользователя о of the conversion-соглашении о of floating point numbers to rational numbers
is displayed-выводит на экран.
Функция: ratsimp (expr)
Функция: ratsimp (expr, x_1, ..., x_n)
Simplifies-упрощает the expression expr and all of its subexpressions, including the
arguments to non-rational functions. The result is returned as the quotient-частное от деления
of two polynomials in a recursive form, that is, the coefficients of the main variable are