1. Definition of Terms 33
1. Definition of Terms
1.1. Definitions Pertinent to Dimensions and Units
Dimensions are names applied to such physical quantities as length (L), mass
(m), time (t), and temperature (T). These dimensions are known as the primary
. We may also include the electric current (q) and the luminous inten-
sity (I) as primary dimensions. All other physical quantities can be expressed in
terms of these primary or fundamental dimensions. For example, velocity V = x/t,
can be expressed as [V] = Lt
, density
= m/V as [
] = mL
, force F = ma as [F]
= mLt
, pressure P = F/A as [P] = mL
, etc. Symbols are placed inside brackets
to signify the dimension of a physical quantity. It is of prime importance to ensure
the dimensional validity of engineering formulae derived from the first principles.
Hence, the dimensions of both sides of an equation must match. This is known as
the principle of dimensional homogeneity.
Units are measures of a dimension and depend on the standard used for the unit
system. There are two unit systems in use, the SI (short for its French expression,
Le Systeme Internationale d’Unites) system of units and the English engineering
system of units, referred to in this book as British Units, or BU for short. In the
table below, units of the primary dimensions are expressed in both SI and BU.
Other units can be derived from the basic units for such physical quantities as
force, pressure, energy, power, etc. Force, for example has a derived unit that, ac-
cording to Newton’s second law of motion, is related to mass and acceleration so
that F ∝ ma. The derived unit for force in the SI system of units is kg·m/s
. In
this system, force is expressed in Newton (N). Hence, one Newton, is the amount
of force that would accelerate a mass of 1 kg at a rate of 1 m/s
. If we now intro-
duce a proportionality factor shown by g
, then Newton’s second law can be writ-
ten as:
F = ma/g
Physical Quantity Basic SI Unit SI Symbol Basic BU BU Symbol
Length Meter m Foot ft
Mass Kilogram kg Pound lbm
Time Second s Second s
Temperature Degree Kelvin K Degree Rankine R
It is clear that g
has a value of unity and units of [g
] = kg·m/(N·s
). Force may
also be expressed in terms of kilogram force, (kgf) which is the amount of force
that would accelerate a mass of 1 kg at a rate of 9.8 m/s
. To prevent confusion,
the symbol for mass is also shown as kgm, which stands for Kilogram mass.
In British Units, the symbol of force is pound force (lbf), accelerating a mass of
1 slug at a rate of 1 ft/s
. The most frequently used unit for mass is pound mass
Also see Appendix I where physical quantities are expressed in both mass, length, and
time (MLT) and force, length, and time (FLT) systems.