10 Digital Image Processing and Analysis – PDEs and Variational Tools
mathematical definition of the function space, over which the Mumford–Shah
functional shall be minimized, is very subtle and requires deep insights into
the theory of BV-functions and thus uses high powered tools from geometri-
cal measure theory. We refer to [2] for results on the existence of a minimizer
(of an appropriately weakened version of the Mumford–Shah functional). For
a more detailed discussion and an extensive list of references, also concerning
the existence of a minimizer of the strong formulation, we refer to [3].
Comments on the Images 10.1–10.7 Digital photography has reached a phase
of maturity. Not only in the consumer market, where analog film-based pho-
tography has basically vanished, but also in the prosumer market, where 6–10
megapixelcameras (often Digital-Single-Lens-Reflex-Cameras,so calledDSLRs)
have reached a significant market share and in the professional market, too, with
sor technology and, on the very high end, with digital backs which attach to
medium format cameras and nowadays feature 22–39 megapixel sensors (see
the Image 10.1). Todays high end digital cameras offer a photographic quality
which was unknown in the analog days, with silky smooth imagery and the
possibility to do large high resolution prints, chemically based or even using
inkjet technology in the ‘digital darkroom’ by the photographer himself. Digital
images, however, require postprocessing by sophisticated software. Images have
to be white-balanced, contrast corrected, digital artifacts have to be eliminated,
noise reduction and sharpening have to be performed and often images have
to be compressed to jpg format for emailing and storage. All these processes
require sophisticated mathematics, which to a great extent is based on par-
tial differential equations and on variational techniques. It is clear that – with
megapixel counts growing steadily – the required need of sophistication of dig-
ital image processing goes up, too (just think of getting processing times down,
which are still a major nuisance for users of high megapixel-count cameras).
Also, most of todays commercially available image processing software is based
on linear PDE tools (heat equation) while it is well known in scientific image
processing circles that nonlinear methods (Perona–Malik equation, curvature
equation, Cahn–Hillard inpainting etc.) give highly superior results. We expect
a ‘quantum leap’ in the commercial image processing software soon, which will
shake up the typically very conservative photographic community.
There are other important applications of digital image processing than
photography, also with high demand of mathematical sophistication. Just think
of security applications based on digital reconnaissance or medical imaging. For
example, automated tumor recognition in medical scanning techniques is based
on image segmentation (often using the Mumford–Shah functional)! Note that
in medical and in security imaging not only still images but also video sequences
have to be processed and analysed.
Acknowledgement The author acknowledges support for research on image
processing by the Austrian research funding agency FFG.