Comments on the Images 7.11–7.13 The Images 7.11–7.13 show the Lagoa
(Portugese for Lagoon) Rodrigo de Freitas in the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
Obviously, the ecological management of this lagoon is of significant importance
lagoons in urban or semi-urban environments (think of the lagoon of the city of
Venice in Italy, for example).
The ecological balance of a lagoon is to a large extent represented by the
phytoplankton-zooplankton-nutrient-oxygen interaction, which is typically of
predator-prey type. We refer to [1], where a convection-diffusion-predator-
prey model for a prototypical shallow lagoon is presented and mathematically
analysed, in particular with respect to the existence of time-periodic solutions
(assuming period inputs), which represent long-term coexistence states.
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