along its length can be that the paperboard has dried out as a result of excessive
heat being applied during radiation-assisted print drying. A burst over a very
short distance in a folded crease can occur if some foreign material jams in the
make-ready groove. Other visual defects could be apparent in the bulging of
panels and the shattering of the back ply adjacent to a narrow panel such as the
glue seam.
The creasability of paperboard can be assessed in the laboratory using a small
platen or an instrument such as the Pira Cartonboard Creaser using BS
4818:1993. This is a press which simulates creasing whilst the sample of paper-
board is clamped with adjacent creases formed at the same time as the test crease.
The instrument can make creases at a range of crease depths and widths. The
results are evaluated visually. For a paperboard to be considered to have good
creasability, it is important that it should give good creasing over a range of
crease settings.
The performance of creases on a packing line is very important. Creases
behave like hinges which enable adjacent panels to move through specific
angles, usually 90°, and remain there. The bending force is an important param-
eter. It is especially important for creases which have not been broken previ-
ously. Folding is carried out as the carton is moving in relation to fixed rails and
ploughs, and therefore undue pressure from crease spring back can at least cause
rub and, at worst, delays and jams. Flaps may be glued, and during the setting
time of the adhesive, the flap may attempt to spring back and hence must be
restrained for sufficient time. In these examples, if the force required to make
the fold or the subsequent spring-back is too high, the efficiency of the operation
will be poor.
The question therefore arises as to how creasing at the point of carton manufacture
can be measured and controlled. This is even more important as it has been shown
that a rise in the resistance to folding can be measured well before any visual
change in the appearance of the crease can be detected (Hine, 1999, p. 250). This
is because of the wear in the groove width which takes place, depending on the
make-ready material, over time.
Consideration of how and what to measure starts with identifying the parameters
which are involved in the bending of a crease. These parameters are the angle
through which the flap is turned, the force required, the distance between the
application of the force and the crease, and the time to complete the folding.
There is a further consideration. If the crease resistance is greater than the
paperboard stiffness, the panel will bow as the panel rotates around the crease.
On the other hand, a certain minimum spring-back force is necessary for the
correct operation of certain design features such as the retention of a tuck-in-flap
locking slit.
The implication of this is that the ratio of crease stiffness to paperboard stiffness
is an important parameter and that it should be maintained within upper and lower
limits. The limits suggested are 1.5–3.0 for MD creases and 3.0–7.0 for CD creases,
and these limits have been accepted for many years (Hine, 1999, pp. 111–139).