2.6 Topological Manifolds 67
theorem it follows that a topological manifold with nonzero Rochlin invariant
is not smoothable. For example, the topological manifold |E
| := ι
corresponds to the equivalence class of the form E
and has signature 8
(Rochlin invariant 1) and hence is not smoothable.
For several years very little progress was made beyond the result of the
above theorem in the smooth category. Then, in 1982, through his study of
the topology and geometry of the moduli space of instantons on 4-manifolds
Donaldson discovered the following, unexpected, result. The theorem has led
to a number of important results including the existence of uncountably many
exotic differentiable structures on the standard Euclidean topological space
Theorem 2.13 (Donaldson) Let M beasmoothclosed1-connected oriented
manifold of dimension 4 with positive definite intersection form ι
(1), the diagonal form of rank b
, the second Betti number of M.
Donaldson’s work uses in an essential way the solution space of the Yang–
Mills field equations for SU(2) gauge theories and has already had profound
influence on the applications of physical theories to mathematical problems.
In 1990 Donaldson obtained more invariants of 4-manifolds by using the
topology of the moduli space of instantons. Donaldson theory led to a number
of new results for the topology of 4-manifolds, but it was technically a difficult
theory to work with. In fact, Atiyah announced Donaldson’s new results
at a conference at Duke University in 1987, but checking all the technical
details delayed the publication of his paper until 1990. The matters simplified
greatly when the Seiberg–Witten equations appeared in 1994. We discuss
the Donaldson invariants of 4-manifolds in more detail in Chapter 9. It is
reasonable to say that at that time a new branch of mathematics which may
be called “Physical Mathematics” was created.
In spite of these impressive new developments, there is at present no ana-
logue of the geometrization conjecture in the case of 4-manifolds. Here ge-
ometric topologists are studying the variational problems on the space of
metrics on a closed oriented 4-manifold M for one of the classical curvature
functionals such as the square of the L
norm of the Riemann curvature Rm,
Weyl conformal curvature W , and its self-dual and anti-dual parts W
, respectively, and Ric, the Ricci curvature. The Hilbert–Einstein varia-
tional principle based on the scalar curvature functional and its variants are
important in the study of gravitational field equations. Einstein metrics, i.e.,
metrics satisfying the equation
K := Ric −
Rg =0
are critical points of all of the functionals listed above. Here K is the trace-free
part of the Ricci tensor. In many cases the Einstein metrics are minimizers,
but there are large classes of minimizers that are not Einstein metrics. A well-
known obstruction to the existence of Einstein metrics is the Hitchin–Thorpe