3.2 Differential Manifolds 79
defined by φ(A)=(a
),forA =(a
) ∈ M (m, n; R), is a chart
on M (m, n; R) that induces a differential structure on M (m, n; R).Withthis
differential structure M (m, n; R) is a differential manifold of dimension mn.
Let M (n, R):=M(n, n; R) and let us denote by S(n, R) (resp., A(n, R))the
subset of M(n, R) of the symmetric (resp., anti-symmetric) n ×n matri-
ces. It is easy to show that S(n, R) and A(n, R) are submanifolds of M (n, R)
of dimension n(n +1)/2 and n(n − 1)/2,
respectively. Analogously, the set
n; C) of complex m × n matrices is a differential manifold of dimen-
sion 2mn.LetM(n, C):=M(n, n; C) and let us denote by S(n, C) (resp.,
A(n, C)) the subset of M(n, C) of the Hermitian (resp., anti-Hermitian)
n ×n matrices. It is easy to show that S(n, C) and A(n, C) are submanifolds
of M (n, C) of dimension n
det : M(n, R) → R,
which maps A ∈ M(n, R) to the determinant det A of A, is smooth. Hence
(R \{0} ) is an open submanifold of M(n, R) denoted by GL(n, R).
The set GL(n, R) with matrix multiplication is a group. It is called the real
general linear group. One can show that matrix multiplication induces
a smooth map of GL(n, R) × GL(n, R) into GL(n, R). Similarly, one can
define the complex general linear group GL(n, C). The real and complex
general linear groups are examples of an important class of groups called Lie
groups, which are discussed in Section 3.6.
Let M be a differential manifold and (U, φ), (V, ψ) be two charts of M at
p ∈ M. The triples (φ, p, u), (ψ, p,v), for u, v ∈ F , are said to be equivalent if
D(ψ ◦ φ
)(φ(p)) · u = v
where D is the derivative operator in a Banach space. This is an equivalence
relation between such triples. A tangent vector to M at p may be defined
as an equivalence class [φ, p, u] of such triples. Alternatively, one can define a
tangent vector to M at p to be an equivalence class of smooth curves on M
passing through p and touching one another at p (see, for example, Abraham
et al. [2]). The set of tangent vectors at p is denoted by T
vector space isomorphic to F , called the tangent space to M at p.Theset
TM =
can be given the structure of a smooth manifold. This manifold TM is called
the tangent space to M. A tangent vector [φ, p, u]atp may be identified
with the directional derivative u
, also denoted by u
, defined by
: F(U ) → R,
such that