3.2 Differential Manifolds 75
Definition 3.2 Let M,N be real differential manifolds and f : M → N.
We say that f is differentiable (or smooth) if, for each pair of charts,
(U, φ), (V,ψ) of M and N, respectively, such that f (U) ⊂ V ,therepresen-
tative ψ ◦f ◦ φ
of f in these charts is differentiable (or smooth). The set
of all smooth functions from M to N is denoted by F(M,N).WhenN = R
we write F(M ) instead of F(M, R). A bijective differentiable f ∈F(M,N)
is called a diffeomorphism if f
is differentiable. The set of all diffeomor-
phisms of M with itself under composition is a group denoted by Diff(M).
Diffeomorphism is an equivalence relation.
The class of differential manifolds and differentiable maps forms a category
(see Appendix C) that we denote by DIFF . The class of complex manifolds
and complex analytic maps forms a subcategory of DIFF. We discuss some
important complex manifolds but their physical applications are not empha-
sized in this book. An excellent introduction to this area may be found in
Manin [257] and Wells [399,398]. The class of topological manifolds and con-
tinuous maps forms a category that we denote by TOP. An important prob-
lem in the topology of manifolds is that of smoothability, i.e., to find when
a given topological manifold admits a compatible differential structure.
We note that a differential structure on a topological manifold M is said to
be compatible if it is contained in the maximal atlas of M .Itiswellknown
that a connected topological manifold of dim < 4 admits a unique compatible
smooth structure. We observe that a topological manifold of dim > 3may
admit inequivalent compatible differential structures or none at all.
Definition 3.3 Let M be a differential manifold with differential structure
A and let U ⊂ M be open. The collection of all charts of A whose domain is
asubsetofU is an atlas for U, which makes U into a differential manifold.
This manifold is called an open submanifold of M . More generally, a subset
S ⊂ M is said to be a submanifold of M if, ∀x ∈ S, there exists a chart
(U, φ) with x ∈ U such that
1. φ(U) ⊂ G ⊕ H,whereG,
H ar
e Banach spaces;
2. φ(U ∩S)=φ(U) ∩ (G ×{b}),forsomeb ∈ H.
Then, denoting by π
the projection onto the first factor, (U ∩ S, π
◦ φ)
is a chart at x. The collection of all these charts is an atlas on S,which
determines a differential structure on S. With this differential structure, S
itself (with the relative topology) is a differential manifold. We observe that
an open submanifold is a special case of a submanifold.
Let R
:= {x =(x
) ∈ R
| x
≥ 0}.ThesetR
:= {x ∈
| x
=0} is called the boundary of R
.LetU be an open subset of R
in the relative topology. We denote by bd(U)thesetbd(U):=U ∩R
and call
bd(U) the boundary of U .WedenotebyInt(U)thesetInt(U ):=U \bd(U )
and call it the interior of U.IfU and V are subsets of R
and f : U → V ,
we say that f is of class C
, 1 ≤ p ≤ +∞ (smooth if p =+∞), if there
exist open neighborhoods U
of U and V
of V ,andamapf
: U
→ V