11.2 Invariants of Knots and Links 361
in statistical mechanics. In special models the calculation can be carried out
by auxiliary relations satisfied by some subsets of the configuration space.
The star-triangle relations or the corresponding Yang–Baxter equations are
examples of such relations. One obtains a state-model for the Alexander or
the Jones polynomial of a knot by associating to the knot a statistical system
whose partition function gives the corresponding polynomial.
However, these statistical models did not provide a geometrical or topo-
logical interpretation of the polynomial invariants. Such an interpretation
was provided by Witten [405] by applying ideas from quantum field theory
(QFT) to the Chern–Simons Lagrangian. In fact, Witten’s model allows us
to consider the knot and link invariants in any compact 3-manifold M .Wit-
ten’s ideas led to the creation of a new area—which we discussed in Chapter
7—called topological quantum field theory. TQFT, at least formally, allows
us to express topological invariants of manifolds by considering a QFT with a
suitable Lagrangian. An excellent account of several aspects of the geometry
and physics of knots may be found in the books by Atiyah [14] and Kauffman
We conclude this section by discussing a knot invariant that can be defined
for a special class of knots. In 1978 Bill Thurston [373] created the field of
hyperbolic 3-manifolds. A hyp erbolic manifold is a manifold that admits
a metric of constant negative curvature or equivalently a metric of constant
curvature −1. The application of hyperbolic 3-manifolds to knot theory arises
as follows. A knot κ is called hyperbolic if the knot complement S
\ κ is a
hyperbolic 3-manifold. It can be shown that the knot complement S
\ κ
of the hyperbolic knot κ has finite hyperbolic volume v(κ). The number
v(κ) is an invariant of the knot κ and can be computed to any degree of
accuracy; however the arithmetic nature of v(κ) is not known. This result also
extends to links. It is known that torus knots are not hyperbolic. The figure
eight knot is the knot with the smallest crossing number that is hyperbolic.
Thurston made a conjecture that effectively states that almost every knot is
hyperbolic. Recently Hoste and Weeks made a table of knots with crossing
number 16 or less by making essential use of hyperbolic geometry. Their
table has more than 1.7 million knots, all but 32 of which are hyperbolic.
Thistlethwaite has obtained the same table without using any hyperbolic
invariants. A fascinating account of their work is given in [195]. We would
like to add that there is a vast body of work on the topology and geometry
of 3-manifolds which was initiated by Thurston. At present the relation of
this work to the methods and results of the gauge theory, quantum groups,
or statistical mechanics approaches to the study of 3-manifolds remains a
mystery. There are some conjectures relating invariants obtained by different
methods. For example, the volume conjecture (due to R. Kashaev, H.
Murakami, and J. Murakami, see [306]) states that the invariant v(κ)ofthe
hyperbolic knot κ is equal to the limit of a certain function of the colored
Jones polynomial of the knot κ. There is also an extension of the volume
conjecture to links and to non-hyperbolic knots. This extension has been