Appendix B 383
the essentials of mathematics then known. They believed that they would
have the first draft of this work in three years. They met for their first
congress in 1935. Eventually, they chose to use the name “Nicholas Bour-
baki” for their group, an invented name. It went on to become the most
famous group of mathematicians in the history of mathematics. Bourbaki’s
founders were among the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century.
Their work changed the way mathemtics was done and presented. Their
active participation in the Bourbaki group ended when a member turned
50 (this was the only rule of Bourbaki). The first chapter of Bourbaki’s
nine volumes (consisting of 40 books) came out four years later, rather
than three. The last volume “Spectral Theory” was published in 1983. For
a long time the membership and the work of the Bourbaki group remained
a well guarded secret. Jean Dieudonn´e broke the silence in his article [100].
All the members were called upon to write various drafts of the chapters
but the final version for printing was prepared by Dieudonn´e. (This ex-
plains the uniformity of the style through most of the forty books written
by Bourbaki.) Over the years membership in the Bourbaki group changed
to include some of the most influential mathematicians of the twentieth
century such as A. Grothendieck, S. Lang, J. P. Serre, and L. Schwartz.
The rapid progress in the physical sciences and increasing abstraction in
mathematics caused an almost complete separation of physics and mathe-
matics. Even the mathematics used in theoretical physics did not have the
rigor required in modern mathematics. Extreme generality in Bourbaki
infurianted many mathematicians. For example, nobody had ever studied
Euclidean geometry as a special case of the theory of Hermitian opera-
tors in Hilbert space even though Dieudonn´esaysin[100] that this is
well known. In his article [99] on the development of modern mathematics
Dieudonn´e was stressing the fact that mathematics in the second half of
the twentieth century had become a self sustaining field of knowledge, not
depending on applications to other sciences. Thus, while the development
of mathematics since antiquity to the first half of the twentieth century
was strongly influenced by developments in the physical sciences, a new
chapter in the history of mathematics had now begun.
As we pointed out in the preface, this article is often quoted to show
that the abstraction stressed by Bourbaki was the major cause of the
split between mathematics and the physical sciences. In fact, in the same
article Dieudonn´e clearly stated that a dialogue with other sciences, such
as theoretical physics, may be beneficial to all parties. He did not live to
see such a dialogue or to observe that any dialogue has been far more
beneficial to the mathematics in the last quarter century. I would like to
add that in 2001 a physics seminar “Le S´eminaire Poincar´e” modeled after
the well-known “S´eminaire Bourbaki” was createdbytheAssociationdes
Collaborateurs de Nicolas Bourbaki.
I had several long discussions with Prof. Dieudonne. Most of the time,
I asked the questions and he never tired of giving detailed answers. He