24 Dynamics of Wire-Driven Machine Mechanisms: Literature Review 287
24.2 Mechanical Properties of Wire Ropes
The wires or strands can be modeled as thin helical rods using [2] curved rod the-
ory. Global relationships between deformation of the cable and the resultant axial
force and bending/torsional moments are established accordingly [3]. There also
exist semicontinuous models in which each layer of helical wires is replaced with
an equivalent orthotropic medium. Interwire and/or interstrand frictional forces are
considered by using contact mechanics to account for stick and slip friction transi-
tion [7]. The individual layers of wires in an axially preloaded multilayered spiral
strand are treated as a series of partly self-stressed cylindrical orthotropic sheets
whose nonlinear elastic properties are averaged to form an equivalent continuum.
The theory is based on the main assumption that with zero axial load on the strand,
the wires in each layer are just touching each other. Under dynamic or cyclic load-
ing, detailed local models overestimate the cable damping for cables with large radii
of curvature. There are analytical approaches and FEM methods [4,9] developed to
calculate cables’ overall mechanical properties which are: axial, bending, torsional
stiffness, and hysteresis characteristics. Depending on the accuracy of the model,
leading to complex mathematical problem, the solution may be unsuitable for large-
scale engineering applications. The most detailed wire cable models have primarily
been developed for static monotonic loading. The mechanical properties exhibit the
following features:
Young’s modulus is tension dependent
Stretch consists of two parts: constructional and elastic stretch
Lay-angle dependent properties
Interwire friction factor used in simulations D 0:12
24.2.1 Young’s Modulus
Important concepts in studying the Young’s Modulus are the no-slip and full-slip
limits. The no-slip Young’s modulus is the upper bound to the effective Young’s
modulus. Small disturbances do not induce interwire slippage over the line-contact
patches between adjacent wires in various layers and the wires stick together behav-
ing as a solid bar.
The full-slip Young’s modulus is the lower bound limit whereby wires in line-
contact throughout the strand undergo gross sliding with the interwire frictional
forces becoming insignificant compared with the axial force changes within indi-
vidual helical wires. The Young’s modulus depends on the loading; therefore one
should measure it at conditions similar to expected working conditions. Analytical
expressions are found in the literature for the effective Young’s modulus taking into
account the geometry, lay angle, number of strands etc. Even though the expressions
are analytic, the calculation of numerical values is quite involving and it may take
some time to write the equations in the computer. The equations of these models are
not presented in this review, apart from some simple expressions. All the equations