11 Micromilling Machines 393
However, the latest developments in optical linear scales make them much
more suitable for industrial application. They assure a bigger robustness of the
system, no beam loss as in the laser; they are compatible with commercial NCs,
which allow three and five axes linear and circular interpolation. Besides, the final
accuracy of the machine is at the same level as using a laser interferometer. Com-
mercial scales achieve resolution in the order of 0.01
μm and accuracy of 0.1
Their main requirement is a careful mounting in the machine, and to assure a good
level of cleanliness.
11.8 Examples
One of the first machines that we can find in the modern literature is the Nanocen-
from Cranfield University, with three lineal axes and position measurement
by a laser interferometer system (resolution 1.25
nm), plus two rotational axes
(resolution 0.35
arcsec). Each of the axes has an independent temperature control
system with 0.001ºC of resolution. It is ready to work only with monocrystalline
diamond tools. Final result was a laboratory machine with a positioning accuracy
of 10
nm in X and Y axes, and 100
nm in vertical Z axis. It has been used to ma-
chine mirrors up to Ø100
mm, with a final roughness of 2.4
nm Ra in aluminium
and 0.8
nm Ra in germanium. But it should be considered as an excellent example
of a lab prototype.
Nowadays there are a full range of manufacturers (Kern
, Fanuc
, Kugler
, etc.) which offer also a wide range of models for micromilling. Herein-
after we show two examples of micromilling machines available in the market,
and their main characteristics.
11.8.1 The Kern
Pyramid Nano
Among other models, the Pyramid Nano™ (Fig. 11.24) is a CNC machining cen-
tre for large chip production. The two main specific characteristics of this model
• All the possible rolling elements have been substituted by hydrostatic elements:
guides, feed screw, and thrust axial and radial support bearing.
• Both the combined structural and thermal design assure an ultraprecision per-
formance even in a conventional workshop.
It has been developed for applications which require maximum accuracy
μm) and surface finish (0.05
μm Ra) on larger workpieces. An integrated auto-
matic workpiece changer allows unmanned operations even for 5-axis simultan-
eous jobs.