228 A. Lamikiz, L. N. Lopez de Lacalle and A. Celaya
• Uncertainty of the reference position. The “machine origin” or “machine zero
point” is a fixed point set by the machine tool builder. Any tool movement is
measured from this point. The CNC always remembers the tool distances from
the machine origin. The associate error to this action is related with the repeat-
ability of the set of the machine zero point. This is only applicable when the
machine is switched on and off, when the machine must go to its origin point
(the so-called “zeroing the slides”). This value is about 3–5
μm for a conven-
tional milling centre and 0.5
μm for an ultraprecision one.
• Thermal expansion. This is highly dependent on the machine tool internal heat
sources (drives, friction on nuts, etc.) and temperature variations of the working
room. A typical uncertainty value for conventional machine tools can be 5
These errors for micro milling centres are below 0.5
μm due to the careful iso-
lation of thermal sources in these machines.
• Effect of reversal of linear movements. Position measured values are different
when the slide goes forward or backward. The sums of these errors are close to
μm on conventional machine tools and 0.1
µm for ultraprecision ones.
• Angular errors: The machine sliding units suffers rolling, yaw and pitch ef-
fects. The typical angular errors can be up to ±5
mm in milling cen-
tres and under ±3
mm in ultraprecision machines. On the other
hand, the effect of angular errors on position and straightness depends linearly
on the distance to the reference point. This length is directly related to machine
size, e.g., 750–1000
mm for a small conventional milling machine and in the
range of 10
mm for micro milling centres.
Applying the propagation of errors, the estimated uncertainty for a linear
movement would be in the range of 12
μm for conventional machines and 0.25
for ultraprecision machines. This estimation includes the mechanical construction
of the machine; however other uncertainties must be also considered. These are:
• Machine trajectory errors: This error source is negligible in micromilling be-
cause at the fastest machining feed rates (50
mm/min) the machine moves so
slowly that following error with regard to the set point is minimal, even without
feed-forward control installed. On the contrary, for a high speed milling centre
with an average CNC, the deviation between programmed and real trajectory
can be up to 5
μm due to CNC following errors in sharp trajectory deviations.
• Errors in the spindle, including the spindle-shank, shank-collet and collet-tool
interfaces: Precision spindles guarantee runout errors of 1
µm in the spindle
nose; however this error is magnified by the spindle-shank interface, the shank
itself, the collet or toolholder, the toolholder-tool interface and the tool itself.
The shanks and collets available on the market include simple-precision sets,
with runout errors of around 10
µm, and super-precision toolholders used in ul-
traprecision machine tools, with runout errors of just 3
µm. The lack of tool
concentricity depends on tool perfection but mostly on the correct arrangement
and clamping of the tool into the collet. Today, thermal shrinking toolholders
are the most accurate for conventional scale machines; usually the runout
measured at the tool tip is under 5