the TRPL data for the QWs as a function of well layer thickness. The time-resolved
luminescence data fitted well with a single exponential decay curve function with a several
hundreds of picoseconds decay component. Evaluated PL decay time is a monotonically
decreasing function of the emission energy. In other words, decay time constants in the low
energy side are longer than those in the higher counnterparts. This suggests that not only
radiative recombination but also the transfer process to the tail state should contribute to the
decay of the localized excitons in the QW system. Figure 12.7 shows the decay time constant
of localized excitons (t
, closed circles) and E
(closed triangles) as a function of the well
width. When the well width becomes thin, it is found that both the t
and E
become longer.
The dependence of the radiative (t
) and nonradiative (t
) recombination times on the
well layer thickness was deduced. Combined analysis of temperature dependences of PL
decay times and of spectrally integrated PL intensity was carried out. Because the radiative
recombination process is relatively dominant at a low temperature, the values of the
nonradiative process have relatively large error bars. Nevertheless, it can be said that, as
a general trend, the nonradiative recombination time is independent of the well width. The
well width dependence of radiative recombination time can be explained as being due to the
thermal release effect from the localized to delocalized states of excitons. It could be noticed
that the width dependences of the localization depth of excitons and the radiative recombi-
nation times are similar with respect to each other. If the localization effect is absent in QWs,
radiative recombination time is a linearly increasing function of temperature in the entire
temperature range. Because of the localization effect, radiative recombination time becomes
stagnant at low temperatures. It is necessary to systematically estimate the dependence of
radiative recombination time on temprature for QWs having various well width in order to
clarify the radiative recombination mechanism in ZnO MQWs.
On the other hand, we discuss here the well width dependence of nonradiative
recombination time. Norma lly, the nonradiative recombination becom es shorter in the
MQWs in the case of thinner wells because of the degraded film qualities and carrier
leakage outside the well region. However, we have not observed this tendency in this work.
This may suggest that an efficient carrier confinement inside the well region could be
realized in the QWs studied here. Some dispersion in the data is related to certain
inaccuracy in the determination of the well width and magnesium concentration in the
barrier layer, which is not taken into account.
12.7 Stimulated Emission in MQWs
This section is devoted to high excitation effects, stimulated emission and lasing, covering
the range over QWs. As shown in Figure 12.8, the energies of spontaneous PL and
absorption peaks are almost the same at RT.
The spontaneous emission spectrum was
obtained under the condition of excitation using a 5 mW helium cadmium laser operated in
the continuous-wave mode, while the stimulated emission spectrum was obtained under
the condition of high-power excitation usin g a frequency-tripled mode-locked Nd:YAG
laser (355 nm, 10 Hz, 15 ps) operate d in the pulsed mode. The power of excitation was
varied, as is described later. The agreement between the spontaneous emission and
absorption peaks is an indication of the well-regulated hetero-interfaces as well as the
342 Room-Temperature Stimulated Emission from ZnO Multiple Quantum Wells