is obtained between 0 V and 9 V, indicating no carrier mobility saturation up to 9 V.
Figure 11.30(b) shows a transient response of the Mg
O p-n photodiode under the
excitation of 266 nm from a Nd:YAG laser with a 50 W load. The photodiode has fast
photoresponse with a rise time of 10 ns and fall time of 150 ns. The thermal limited
detectivity was calculated as 1.8 10
cm Hz
at 325 nm with a noise equivalent
power of 8.4 10
at room temperature.
11.4 ZnO NW UV Photodetectors
One-dimensional ZnO nanostructures have attracted increasing attention due to their
promising optical and electrical properties. The electron–hole interaction will have orders
of magnitude enhancement in a nanostructure, due to the dramatically increased electronic
density of states near the van Hove singularity. Bulk ZnO has a small exciton Bohr radius
(1.8–2.3 nm).
The quantum confinement effect in ZnO NWs is observable at the scale
of an exciton Bohr radius. On the other hand, the giant oscillator strength effect occurs in
ZnO NWs with diameters larger than the bulk exciton Bohr radius but smaller than the
optical wavelength,
making ZnO NWs suitable for high sensitivity UV detection.
Single crystalline ZnO NWs haven been synthesized by various techniques, such as
chemical vapor transport and condensation (CVTC),
catalyst-assisted MBE,
template-assisted growth
and solution-based synthe-
ZnO NWs have the same lattice constants and crystal structure of bulk, confirmed
by XRD and TEM data.
Many bulk properties are still preserved in ZnO NWs. In
comparison with its bulk counterpart, ZnO nanostructures possess certain significant
characteristics for UV detection, including: (i) high surface-to-volume ratio and large
density of surface trap states (primarily oxygen-related hole traps) greatly increase the
photogenerated carrier lifetime and modify the effective carrier mobility; and (ii) reduced
dimension decreases the carrier transit time in the active area of the nanoscale device. As
a result, a large photoconductive gain is expected. A photoconductive gain as high as 10
was reported in a ZnO single NW UV photodetector,
which is promising for single-
photon detection.
In general, there are two types of device configurations of ZnO NW photodetectors: (i) a
vertical structure prepared by self-assembled growth or template-assisted growth; and (ii)
a horizontal structure, in which ZnO nanostructure photodetectors are fabricated using the
“pick-and-place” manipulation of randomly dispersed ZnO NWs. In the latter, ZnO NWs
are usually scratched from the growth substrate, then sonicated in an organic liquid drop
and dispersed onto a template. After picking up an appropriate single NW, metal contacts
are deposited on both ends of the NW using photo- or nanolithography. Most horizontal
devices are randomly located on the template surface, and then the photoconduction
properties of ZnO NWs are characterized and studied.
11.4.1 Photoconductive Gain in a ZnO NW Theoretical Background
A simplified approach to evaluate the carrier transport and photoconduction in an
individual ZnO NW is based on classical principles governing the carrier generation and
318 ZnO-Based Ultraviolet Detectors