of the defect. Based on experiments involving heating crystals in Zn vapor followed by
rapid quenching, Thomas reported a migration barrier of 0.55 eV for Zn interstitials in
Recent density functional calculations revealed that Zn interstitial migrates
through a kick-out mechanism with a very low migration barrier of 0.57 eV.
because the formation energy of the Zn interstitial is very high in n-type samples, even
under Zn-rich conditions, it is unlikely that Zn interstitial mediates Zn self-diffusion in the
samples that have been studied to date, which are invariably n-type. Instead, it is more
likely that Zn self-diffusion is mediated by Zn vacancies which require a higher energy
barrier of 1.40 eV, but have a much lower formation energy in n-type ZnO.
Note that a migration barrier of 0.57 eV implies that Zn interstitials are mobile at room
temperature; zinc interstitials are thus unlikely to occur as isolated interstitials, but will
have a high tend ency to either diffuse out of the sample or to bind with other defects or
impurities. This renders it less likely that Zn int erstitials can contribute to unintentional n-
type conductivity in ZnO.
For diffusion of oxygen in ZnO, Tomlins and Routbort
reported an activation energy
between 3.6 eV and 4.2 eV. Here the point defect responsible for diffusion would be the
oxygen vacancy or the oxygen interstitial. Oxygen interstitials can be stable as deep
acceptors at the octahedral interstitial site, or as a split interstitial, where the extra oxygen
atom shares a regular lattice site with a host oxygen atom.
Oxygen interstitials at the
octahedral site [O
(oct)] have a low migration barrier, but in order to contribute to self-
diffusion they would ultimately need to become substitutional again, by exchanging
positions with oxygen atoms at the regular lattice sites. Calculations indicate that this
process involves a high energy barrier.
Oxygen split interstitials have high formation
energies and cannot explain the results of Tomlins and Routbort either.
Since Tomlins
and Routbort stated that their experiments were performed in semi-insulating crystals,
first-principles calculations thus indicate that oxygen self-diffusion is mediated by doubly
ionized oxygen vacancy (V
þ) with a calculated activation energy of 4.5 eV.
[6] EPR Observations of Point Defects in ZnO
There are numerous reports of EPR measurements of oxygen vacancies in the literature;
they are summarized in Table 5.1.
The observations fall into two broad categories: those
with g 1.96, and those with g 1.99. The g 1.99 line has been consistently assigned to
oxygen vacancies, and we support that assignment. Indeed, this signal has only been
observed after irradiation of the samples, clearly indicating it is related to a point defect.
Also, it has been found that illumination is necessary to observe the center, consistent with
the theoretical result that some type of excitation is required in order to generate the
paramagnetic þ1 charge state.
Smith and Vehse
were the first to provide a conclusive assignment of the g 1.99
EPR line to the oxygen vacancy in ZnO. Using a ZnO crystal that had been irradiated by
high-energy electrons, they observed that the g 1.99 center is light sensit ive (light being
essential to create the V
charge state). They also observed hyperfine interaction lines
associated with the
Zn neighbors of the vacancy. Similar hyperfine structure was
observed by Gonzalez et al.
Soriano and Galland
have also shown that illumination
is necessary to detect the g 1.99 line, and measured its decay after illumination is turned
off. The light sensitivity and metastability is consistent with the current model of oxygen
vacancies in ZnO.
122 Native Point Defects and Doping in ZnO