energy in n-type ZnO, with the «(2 þ/0) transition level located in the upper part of the
band gap. Lany and Zunger
performed LDA þU calculations, which partially correct
the band gap, and used these results to correct the position of the VBM in ZnO. Otherwise,
the results were based on LDA and a rigid shift of the conduction-band minimum (CBM)
to correct the band gap, while leaving the positions of deep levels unchanged. Lany and
Zunger obtained the V
«(2 þ/0) transition level at 1.6 eV above the VBM.
Using LDA þU, Paudel and Lambrecht concluded that the V
«(2 þ/0) transition level
is located near the VBM.
Their scheme includes an application of U to the Zn s states
that dominate the character of the conduction band, in addition to applying U to the Zn d
states. This seems to go against the nature of the LDA þU correction, which is intended to
correct the energies of localized states that are underbound in LDA. While the semicore Zn
d states are indeed quite localized, the Zn s states that make up the conduction band are
clearly delocal ized extended states. Since the V
related state in the gap has a large
contribution from Zn s states, the application of U to Zn s states will also affect the position
of the V
related state in an unphysical way.
Janotti et al. recognized that LDA þU affects both valence and conduction bands of
and that the single-partice defect states are corrected according to their valence- vs
conduction-band character. Because LDA þU only partially corrects the band gap, an
extrapolation scheme based on the LDA and LDA þU calculations was then employed to
obtain gap-corrected transition levels and formation energies that can be quantitatively
compared with experimental results.
Using the B3LYP hybrid functional, Patterson carried out calculations of V
The B3LYP results for the e lectronic structure of V
in ZnO are consistent with
those obtained by Janotti and Van de Walle.
[6,14,15 ]
However, Patterson’s interpretation
of the transition levels ba sed on the resul ts for the singl e-particle st ates is not corr ect.
The position o f the transit ion levels cannot be directly extracted from the position of the
single-partic le states. Transition level s must be calcul ated based on difference s in
formationenergies(asexplainedinSection 5.2). This is particularly i mportant for
defects which exhibit very different lattice relaxations in different charge states, which
as we will see is the case of V
in ZnO.
Oba et al. rece ntly performed calculations for point defects in ZnO using the HSE
hydrid Functional.
The calculated single-particle band structure for oxygen vacancy
using the HSE is shown in Figure 5.2.
The position of the transition levels in the HSE
are in good agreement with the results of Janotti and Van de Walle.
However, the
formation energy of V
is relatively low, indicating that these defects would be present in
significant concentrations in n-type ZnO. This is inconsistent with the results of recent
experiments on ZnO single crystals, in which electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
signals identifying oxygen vacancies are not present in as-received crystals.
vacancies are observed only after irradiating the samples with high energy electrons.
5.3.1 Oxygen Vacancies
The oxygen vacancy has frequently been invoked as the source of unintentional n-type
conductivity in ZnO. However, all density functional calculations indicate that this
assignment cannot be correct. According to DFT calculations
is a deep rather than a shallow donor and, consequently, cannot contribute to n-type
Native Point Defects 117