Magnesium primary batteries have been developed in other structures and with other cathode
materials, but these designs have not achieved commercial success. Flat cells, using a plastic-
film envelope, were designed but were never produced commercially.
The use of organic depolarizers, such as meta-dinitrobenzene (m-DNB), in place of man-
ganese dioxide was of interest because of the high capacity that could be realized with the
complete reduction of m-DNB to n-phenylenediamine (2 Ah/ g). The discharge of actual
batteries, while having a flat voltage profile and a higher ampere-hour capacity than the
manganese dioxide battery, had a low operating voltage of 1.1 to 1.2 V per cell. Watthour
capacities were not significantly higher than for the magnesium/manganese dioxide batteries.
The m-DNB battery also was inferior at low temperatures and high current drains. Com-
mercial development of these batteries never materialized.
Magnesium/ air batteries were studied, again because of the higher operating voltage than
with zinc (see Chap. 38). These batteries, too, were never commercialized. Magnesium,
however, is a very useful anode in reserve batteries. Its application in these types of batteries
is covered in Chap. 17.
Experimental work on Al /MnO
primary or dry batteries was concentrated on the D-size
cylindrical battery using a construction similar to the one used for the Mg/MnO
(Fig. 9.3). The most successful anodes were made of a duplex metal sheet consisting of two
different aluminum alloys. The inner, thicker layer was more electrochemically active, leav-
ing the outer layer intact in the event of pitting of the inner layer. The cathode bobbin
consisted of manganese dioxide and acetylene black, wetted with the electrolyte. Aqueous
solutions of aluminum or chromium chloride, containing a chromate inhibitor, were the most
satisfactory electrolytes.
Aluminum active primary batteries were never produced commercially. While the exper-
imental aluminum batteries delivered a higher energy output than conventional zinc batteries,
anode corrosion, causing problems on intermittent and long-term discharges and irregularities
in shelf life, and the voltage-delay problem restrained commercial acceptance. Aluminum /
air batteries are covered in Chap. 38.
1. J. L. Robinson, ‘‘Magnesium Cells,’’ in N. C. Cahoon and G. W. Heise (eds.), The Primary Battery,
vol. 2, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1976, chap. 2.
2. G. R. Hoey and M. Cohen, ‘‘Corrosion of Anodically and Cathodically Polarized Magnesium in
Aqueous Media,’’ J. Electrochem. Soc. 105:245 (1958).
3. J. E. Oxley, R. J. Ekern, K. L. Dittberner, P. J. Spellman, and D. M. Larsen, in Proc. 35th Power
Sources Symp., IEEE, New York, 1992, p. 18.
4. B. V. Ratnakumar and S. Sathyanarayana, ‘‘The Delayed Action of Magnesium Anodes in Primary
Batteries. Part I: Experimental Studies,’’ J. Power Sources 10:219 (1983).
5. S. Sathyanarayana and B. V. Ratnakumar, ‘‘The Delayed Action of Magnesium Anodes in Primary
Batteries. Part II: Theoretical Studies,’’ J. Power Sources 10:243 (1983).
6. S. R. Narayanan and S. Sathyanarayana, ‘‘Electrochemical Determination of the Anode Film Resis-
tance and Double Layer Capacitance in Magnesium-Manganese Dioxide Cells,’’ J. Power Sources
15:27 (1985).