Urusov, Prince Mikhail, governor of Nizhnii
Novgorod 275
Ushurma (Sheikh Mansur), Chechen
rebel 205
Utyz-Imani (al-Bulghari), Abd al-Rahman,
Sufi 210
Uvarov, Count Sergei Semenovich, minister
of education 35, 124
on bureaucracy 433
state ideology of ‘Orthodoxy, autocracy
and nationality’ 34, 94, 124, 150
Vaisov, Baha al-Din, Tatar Sufi 210
Vaisov, Inan al-Din 210
Vaisov Brotherhood 210, 211
Valuev, Count Petr (P. A.), minister of
interior 38, 563
and land redemption scheme 606
and modification of reforms 611
proposal for income tax 480
vanguard party, Lenin’s theory of 142
Vasilevskii island, Peter the Great’s residence
on 70
Vasnetsov brothers, Viktor and Apollinari 105
Vaught, Velho, Rally & Co., official court
bankers 398
Vedomosti (first newspaper) 75
Velden (Felten), G.-F. 82
Venice, and Holy League 490
Verbitskaia, Anastasia, The Keys to Happiness
(novel) 324
Verdi, Giuseppe, La Forza del Destino 101
Ve r e l
a, Treaty of (1790) 513
Vereshchagin, M. N., lynched in Moscow 152,
153, 154
Vernadskii, G. I., historian 59, 62
Vernier, Paris banking house 406
Versailles, Treaty of (1756) 506
Vial’tseva, Anastasia, singer 321
ceded to Russia (1721) 499
taken by Russia (1710) 496
Victoria, Queen 572
Vienna 93
Turkish siege of (1683) 490
Vienna, Congress of (1815) 33, 172, 399, 528, 556
and Alexander’s ‘Holy Alliance’ 556
Vigel, F. F., memoirist 330
villages 377
arable land held in common 381, 383–5, 410
commune organisation 383, 385, 392, 456
festivals 386
healers 262
law and order 385
schools 262, 278, 389
shared burden of obligations 372, 384, 385
see also peasant communes
Villuan, V. I., musician 282
Vilno (Vilnius, Wilno, Vilna) 33, 356
Jews in 35, 197, 199
lost to Germans (1915) 44
Polish university in 34, 174
Vinaver, M. M., lawyer 363
Vinogradov, Ioann, priest in Nizhnii
Novgorod 273
Virt, Anna, private school 313
abstract 122
civic 120, 121
private 119, 147
Vishniakov, Ivan, painter
Vladimirskii-Budanov, M. F., on legal rights of
women 338
Vladivostok 182, 561, 577, 660
vodka 412
illegal distilling 485
tax revenues from 472, 474–5
Voiekova, Akulina, lawsuit on serf
ownership 331
Volga, River, at Nizhnii Novgorod 264
Volga-Kama Commercial Bank 404
Volga-Kama region, Muslims in 217
Volga-Ural region
Great Apostasy (1866) 217
Islam in 202, 204, 209, 217
jadidism reform movement 219
Volhynia province (Ukraine) 177
Volkonskii family, landowners 233
Volkov, Dmitrii S., provincial goldsmith 151
Volkov, Fedor, actor-manager 80
Volkova, Mariia A. 148
Vologda province, women’s association in 315
volost’ peasant courts 361, 456, 463, 609, 615
Volotskii, Iosif (1439–1515) 116
Voronezh, shipyards 69, 490
Vorontsov family, aristocrats 233
Vorontsov, Alexander 514
Vorotyn, river port 268
Vrubel, N. A. 105
Vsevolodovich, Prince Georgii (1189–1238),
legendary founder of Nizhnii
Novgorod 283
Vsevolozhskii, Ivan 106
Vyborg 29
© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81529-1 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume II: Imperial Russia,
Edited by Dominic Lieven
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