policy-making 503
and Jews 186
and local government 449, 452
marriage reforms 308–9
and military
annual levies of conscripts 372
as military strategist 535
modernisation of army 492, 531–2, 534
and Muslims 203, 204
incentives for conversion from
Islam 204
and obrok payments 475
and Orthodox Church 166, 284, 285, 289,
290, 296, 497
political opposition to 117–18
poll tax 371, 394, 473, 483–4, 535
reform of central government 429, 430–1
and Senate 435
and Russian Empire 27, 28, 46, 51, 146
Spiritual Regulation 285, 297
TableofRanks(1722) 229, 248
and tsarevich affair 117, 166
and the West
first visit (1697–8) 69, 490
and Russian role in Europe 501
Westernisers’ admiration for 128
see also Great Northern War
Peter II, Tsar (1727–30) 78, 168, 290
Peter III, Tsar (1761–2) 78, 81, 501
nobles’ obligation to state service
ended 534
and Prussia 506, 507
Peterhof, palace of 70
Petersburg International Commercial
Bank 404, 405
Petersburg Private Bank 404
Petipa, Marius, choreographer 106
petitions, by peasants against exploitation 385
Petrashevskii Circle 97
Petrashevskii, Mikhail 50, 54, 55
Petrograd Soviet 657, 669
and establishment of Provisional
Government 669
see also St Petersburg
Petrovskoe estate, Gagarin family 385
Philippines, annexed by USA 577
photography, in Nizhnii Novgorod 274
Physiocrats, influence on Catherine the
Great 396
Picart, Peter, engraver 71
Pilsudski, J
ozef, Polish Socialist Party 181, 182
Pinsker, Yehuda Leib (Lev), Zionist 199
Pirogov, Nikolai, and role of women 314
Pitirim, Bishop, of Nizhnii Novgorod 277
Pitt, William (the Younger) 525
plague, Moscow (1771) 510
Platonov, Sergei, historian 283
Plehve, Viacheslav, minister of interior 646
Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich, Marxist
and Menshevik 140, 199
as ‘father of Russian Marxism’ 140, 627
and Lenin 142
Our Differences 141
Socialism and the Political Struggle 141
Pleske, E. D., minister of finance 417
Plevna, assaults on (1879) 541
Pobedonostsev, Konstantin Petrovich,
conservative jurist 131
and 1864 law reforms 359
counter-reforms 288, 318, 409, 615
and fear of pan-Islamism 217
on government 429
and parish school movement 278
procurator for the Holy Synod 103
Podolia province (Ukraine) 177, 188
poetry 80, 86, 87
‘golden age’ 95–6
Symbolist 110, 113
Pogodin, Mikhail (M. P.), historian 51, 53, 55,
pogroms 197, 198–9, 366, 665
Pokrovskaia, Maria, feminist 324
Pokrovskii, Nikolai Nikolaevich, foreign
minister 247, 567n.16
1864 law reforms in 356, 358
and 1905 Revolution 42,
annexation of 10, 11, 397, 516, 554
Czartoryskii’s policy on 522, 523
economy 416
and First World War 43
industrialisation 179, 620
Jews in 172, 180, 186, 187
landless gentry 173
National Democratic movement 180,
National League (1893) 180
nobility 230, 234
political activism 180–1
rebellions against Russian rule 22
see also Polish rebellion (1863)
religious dissent in 509
retreat from (1915) 665
Russian embassy in 502
Sejm established (1863) 610
socialism in 180–1
© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81529-1 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume II: Imperial Russia,
Edited by Dominic Lieven
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