Baroque, introduced to Muscovy from
Ukraine and Poland 165
Barruel, abb
e Augustin 152
Barszczewski, Leon 180
Bashkir, troops 204
Batiushkov, Konstantin, in Nizhnii
Novgorod 280
Batum district (Transcaucasia) 216
Baturyn, Cossack capital 169
Bavaria, Prussian acquisition of 511
Bazhenov, Vasilii, architect 82
Beilis, Mendel, trial of 43
Belaia Krinitsa, Old Believer community
Belgium, uprising against Dutch (1830) 558
Belgrade, Treaty of (1739) 505
Beliaev, Mitrofan 107
Belinsky, Vissarion Grigor’evich, literary critic
and Westerniser 95, 96, 128, 139, 250
‘Letter to N. V. Gogol’ 96, 128
Russia before Peter the Great 128
Belorussia (Belarus) 30, 148
cultural influence of 69
cultural Russification in 38
land tenure system 384
Belosel’sky-Belozersky family,
landowners 233
Bely, Andrei 113
Petersburg (novel) 114
Silver Dove 278
Bem, J
osef, Polish monarchist 173
Benardaki, D. E., merchant of Nizhnii
Novgorod 273
Benckendorff family, Baltic landowners 234
Benckendorff, Count A. Kh., chief of
police 94
Bender, Ottoman fort 495
Berendts, Senator E. N. 349
Berlin 189, 506, 535
Berlin, Treaty of (1878) 566
Bernstein, Eduard, and evolutionary
annexation of 33
ceded to Turkey 560
Bestuzhev-Riumin, Alexis P., as foreign
minister 505, 507
Bestuzhev-Riumin, Konstantin, at Kazan
university 279
Bezborodko, A. A. (Bezborod’ko, Oleksandr),
in foreign chancery of Catherine the
Great 170, 512, 514n.4
Bezborod’ko family 170, 233
Bialoblocki, Jan Andrzej, adviser to
Sophia 166
Bil’basov, V. A., historian 507
birth-rates, and infant mortality 192, 374
Birzhevoi artel’shchik (journal) 420
Birzhevye vedomosti (newspaper), on
strikes 622
bishops see episcopate
Bismarck, Otto von, German Chancellor 565,
Black Sea 30
access to 494, 515, 555, 557
demilitarised (1856) 560, 594
free commercial navigation 510
Russian navy in 575–6
Turkish Straits 570, 571, 575, 577, 660
Blagoveshchenskii monastery, Nizhnii
Novgorod 271, 277
Blinov, Fedor, merchant and miller in Nizhnii
Novgorod 273, 277
Blok, Alexander 113
Boborykin, P. B., and inferiority of
raznochintsy 250
Bobrikov, N. I., Russian governor-general in
Helsinki, assassinated (1904)
Bogdanov (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
futurologist 140
Red Star (novel) 143
Bogolepov, Nikolai, minister of education,
assassination (1901) 645
Bogrov, Dmitrii, assassin of Stolypin 651
Boguslavsky, General D. N. 212
Bohdanowicz, Karel, Polish geologist 182
Bokhara (Bukhara)
khanate of 210, 216, 541, 561
Young Bokharans movement 222
and Fourth Duma 653
and labour movement 627, 634–5
and Russian Revolution 636
and St Petersburg soviet 633
see also Bogdanov; Lenin
with China 28
European 554
ill-defined 530
River Dnieper as 490, 494
Borodin, Alexander, composer 99, 109
Prince Igor 101, 105, 109
Borodino, battle of (1812) 534
Borovikovskii, Vladimir, painter 83
Bortnianskii, D. S., composer 84, 106
© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81529-1 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume II: Imperial Russia,
Edited by Dominic Lieven
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