mercenaries 492
in European armies 532, 534
Merchant Bank, Moscow 404
Jewish 186, 193, 194, 402
in Moscow 101
Nizhnii Novgorod 267, 272, 277, 281
as patrons of art 102
in St Petersburg 395, 459
Merezhkovskii, Dmitry, writer 111
Merv 40, 541
meshchane status (artisans and petty traders)
Jews as 31, 187
official urban community 247
Meshcherskii, Prince Nikanor 331
Meshcherskii, Prince Vladimir Petrovich,
conservative publicist 133, 651
metallurgy see iron and steel industry
meteorology, provincial interest in 282
Metternich, Prince Klemens von 556
and Greek war (1821) 557
Meyerhold, Vsevelod, stage director 115
Michael (Mikhail Aleksandrovich), Grand
Duke, offered crown (1917) 655, 658
Michael (Mikhail Nikolaevich), Grand Duke,
viceroy in Caucasus (1860–81) 215
Mickiewicz, Adam, Polish Romantic
poet 173, 174
Books of the Polish Pilgrimage 30
middle classes
Nizhnii Novgorod 274–5
see also intelligentsia; merchants;
professions; raznochintsy
migrants see peasant migration
Mikhailovskii, Nikolai Konstantinovich,
populist socialist 136, 137, 138
Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii, Aleksandr I., An
Account of the War for the Fatherland in
1812 150
militarism, rise of 159–60
Military Criminal Code, crimes of terrorist
violence tried under 365, 648
military elite 227, 535
as bureaucrats 235
ennoblement of 229, 231, 534
opposition to tsar (from 1916) 657, 658,
professionals 235, 547
view of needs of modern armies 664
see also imperial army; navy
military expenditure 204, 470n.9, 470–1, 486
reviews of 204, 470–1, 471n.11
military power
and empire 9, 369
European model 15, 21
military-technical academies 535
Miliukov, Pavel Nikolaevich, radical
liberal 133, 135, 666
on burden of poll tax 483
Essays on the History of Russian Culture 135
History of the Second Russian Revolution 135
Miliutin, Count D. A., war minister 213, 471
on emancipation of serfs 600
and financial reforms 606
and land reforms 603
military reforms 543–5, 549
as reformer 598, 599–602, 611
and training for midwives 317
Miliutin, N. A., reformer 450, 598, 615
and Commission on local government
reform (1859) 602
dismissed (1861) 601, 607
and financial reforms 606
and land reforms 603, 605, 606
on need for reforms 595, 607
on serf reforms 597, 601
mining industry
Don basin 620
Urals 620
Ministry of Agriculture 417
Ministry of Communications 471
Ministry of Finance 441
and budget-making 469, 479
competence of officials 236
control over credit 404, 405
and foreign commercial agents 413
foreign financial transactions 399
and industrialisation policy 434
and Pacific fleet shipbuilding
programme 578
and St Petersburg business class 228
Special Credit Chancellery 399, 404
and State Bank 402
and state economic policy 405, 414, 417
and war financing 478
see also Committee of Finances; state
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 573
Asian Department 573
officials from nobility and gentry 235
see also foreign policy; Gorchakov, Prince;
Izvol’skii, Aleksandr; Nesselrode,
Count Karl
Ministry of the Imperial Court 204, 479n.34
© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81529-1 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume II: Imperial Russia,
Edited by Dominic Lieven
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