Russia (cont.)
as peripheral to Europe 23, 501
political instability by 1914 12, 24, 653
prospects for post-Soviet 26
relations with Islam 202, 211, 217
and Seven Years’ War 506
territorial gains at partition of
Poland 172–3
tsarist system of government 15, 21
see also autocracy
and War of the Austrian Succession
(1740–48) 505
see also autocracy; France; Germany; Great
Britain; Ottoman Empire; Prussia;
Russian culture; Russian Empire
Russian Bank, for foreign trade 404
Russian Bible Society 153
and response to Napoleonic invasion 157–8
Russian culture 27, 34, 68, 89
artists’ opposition to state 96
development under Peter the Great 68–7
elite consumption of 89, 253
as European avant-garde 108
and foreign embassies 502
‘golden age’ under Catherine the
Great 81–8
internationalisation of 107
limited independent activity 89, 105
modernism 110
nationalism in 96–7, 98–100, 103
neo-nationalism 112
and origins of intelligentsia 253
Orthodoxy and 41, 68, 90
popular consumption of 84, 253
Populism 103, 104, 111
reputation by early 20th century 92–4
under Alexander II 97–102
under Alexander III 103–7
under Anna and Elizabeth 78–80
under Nicholas I 94–7
under Nicholas II 107–15
see also architecture; art; literature; music;
painting; Russian Enlightenment;
Russian Empire 9, 25, 46
as anti-European empire 51–5
civilising mission of 47, 49, 52–3
compared with Ottoman Empire 14–16
and effect of 1864 law reforms 356–9
effect of Europhile foreign policy on 529
and ethnic nationalities 22–3, 28–9, 192n.10
tsarist ‘nationalities policy’ 27, 32–6
ethnic Russian settlement in Asia 40, 59
as European empire 45–50, 54
expansion of 10, 28–32, 374, 416, 531
effect on economy 397
as inexorable movement eastwards 59
into Central Asia 36, 40, 49, 53–4, 555,
motivation for 562–4
to East Asia 542, 550, 561
as intermediary between Europe and
Asia 50, 62
Jewish populations in 70, 186, 191
metropole-colony distinction 17, 46, 51, 60
Muslim populations within 202, 205
and national consolidation 56, 220
as national empire 55–63
and peasant population growth 374
variations in local administration 450
see also Baltic provinces; Poland; Russian
identity; Ukraine
Russian Enlightenment 68, 85
and Counter-Enlightenment 121–2
and origins of intelligentsia 253, 254
political thought 119–21, 256
and religions
207, 297
Russian Geographical Society 598
Russian identity 27, 51, 149
imperial and national 45
political debate on 126
and Russianisation 57
Slavophiles’ view of 127–8
Westernisers’ view of 128–30
see also Russian nationalism;
Russianisation; ‘Russification’
Russian language 34, 123
in law courts 357, 358
and Russification policies 38
in schools 38
Russian Museum (state museum of Russian
art), St Petersburg 104
Russian Musical Society (founded 1858) 99,
107, 280, 282
Russian nationalism 149
and 1812 war 147–51
as antithesis to Napoleonic France 148
and concept of empire 51–2
and European identity 48
reactionary 146
see also Russian identity; ‘Russification’
Russian Revolution (1917) 13, 17, 553
abdication of tsar 571, 655, 657–8
bread shortage (1916–17) 653, 655, 658, 662
demonstrations in St Petersburg 656
and labour movement 635–6
© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81529-1 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume II: Imperial Russia,
Edited by Dominic Lieven
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