Design Issues
Given the design specifications of the biometric system
and the nature of the biometric system, a system
designer needs to address the following three issues
Biometric System Architecture
Architecture of a biometric system is primarily defined
by the storage location of the templates and the loca-
tion of the matcher. The templates (or the template
database) may be stored in (1) a centralized/distibuted
server, (2) local workstation at the client side, and (3) a
portable device such as smart card or token that is in
the possession of the user. Similarly, matching may also
take place at any one of the above three sites. This
allows for a wide range of possible architectures rang-
ing from a fully centralized model, where the templates
reside on the server and matching also takes place at
the server, to a completely decentralized model (e.g.,
match-on-card or system-on-device), where all the
biometric processing takes place on the device and
the template never leaves the device. Other intermedi-
ate architectures are also possible. For example, the
template may be stored on a smart card and during
authentication, the client workstation may read the
template off the card and match it with the input
biometric to provide access. Note that feature extrac-
tion usually takes place only at the client side (on the
local workstation or the portable device) to avoid costs
involved in transmitting the raw biometric sample over
a communication network.
The most important factor that decides the biomet-
ric system architecture is the mode of operation of the
biometric system. While it is possible to de-centralize
the database (e.g., storing the biometric templates on
personalized smart cards) in the verification mode,
identification mode necessarily requires centralized
databases. Other characteristics of the application such
as cooperative versus non-cooperative users, overt ver-
sus covert recognition, attended versus un-attended
application, on-site versus remote authentication, etc.
also influence the architecture of a biometric system.
In the special case of multibiometric systems [8]
that involve integration of evidence from different
biometric sources, the term architecture may also in-
clude the design of the fusion methodology. The fusion
architecture in a multibiometric system is determined
by the following three factors: (1) sources of informa-
tion that need to be combined (i.e., different modal-
ities like face, fingerprint and iris, different instances of
the same trait like left and right index fingers, etc.), (2)
the acquisition and processing sequence (i.e., cascade,
parallel or hybrid), and (3) the type of information to
be fused (i.e., features, match scores, decision, etc.).
Hardware/Software Implementation
Once the architecture of the biometric system has been
defined, the system designer/integrator needs to select
the appropriate hardware and software components to
implement the chosen system. If the system designer
also manufactures all the required components like the
biometric sensor, feature extraction, and matching
modules, it is relatively easy to put all these pieces
together to build the complete biometric system.
However, in the biometrics field, the vendors w ho
design the biometric system or develop the application
around it typically partner w ith a nother set of vendors
who build the biometric hardware and software mod-
ules and create OEM (Original Equipment Manufac-
turer) solutions. Therefore, the following issues need
to be considered by the system designers [9].
Sample Acquisition: The biometric sensor or the
sample acquisition hardware plays a very impor-
tant role in determining the performance and us-
ability of a biometric system. Apart from its ability
to acquire or record the biometric sample of the
user precisely, other factors such as the size, cost,
robustness to different environmental conditions,
etc. must also be considered when selecting the
biometric sensor. Another problem that needs to
be addressed during sample a cquisition is how to
deal with poor quality biometric samples.
User Interface: The design of a good user interface is
also critical for the successful implementation of a
biometric system. An intuitive, ergonomic and easy
to use interface may facilitate rapid user habituation
and enable the acquisition of good quality biometric
samples from the user. Demographic characteristics
of the target population like age and gender and
other cultural issues (e.g., some users may be averse
to touching a sensor surface) must also be consid-
ered when designing the user interface.
Biometric System Design, Overview