▶ Face Image Quality
▶ Fingerprint Image Quality
▶ Identification
▶ Iris Image Quality
▶ Verification
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Biometric Sample Quality,
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Biometric quality; Sample quality
Open documented data structures for universally
interpretable interchange of
▶ biometric sample
quality data.
▶ Biometric data interchange standards are needed
to allow the recipient of a data record to successfully
process data from an arbitrary producer. This defines
biometric interoperability and the connotation of the
phrase ‘‘successfully process’’ the data, in this case,
▶ Biometric Sample Quality score, can be accurately
exchanged and interpreted by different applications.
This can only be achieved if the data record is both
syntactically and semantically conformant to the doc-
umentary standard.
Biometric Sample Quality, Standardization