small lightweig ht items that can store data and/or
access services. Except for the notebook computer,
these devices are all examples of embedded systems,
and therefore include some limited – typically very
limited – dynamic memor y and compute power.
An asset can be any digital item of value to a user.
Asset types fall into three broad, somewhat overlap-
ping categories: (1) user secrets, (2) physical or logical
access to places or services and (3) rights. Secret data is
most commonly in the form of username and pass-
word data that can be used to access large amounts of
confidential information, such as corporate databases
or encrypted documents. In more secure systems the
secret may be the private key of a digital certificate,
used to cryptographically encode and sign data. Accor-
dingly, these types of assets have a hard-to-measure
value to all involved parties that depends on the con-
fidentiality of the secret.
Examples of privileged access include access to
wireless or corporate networks, use of services such as
internet access, online banking, or mobile-commerce
transactions. While passwords and keys are sometimes
used to access these services, many such system s
require a secure hardware token (e.g., smart card) for
multi-factor authen tication. These kinds of assets usu-
ally have a directly measurable monetary value to the
user and/or the service provider.
Finally, the last category of assets is the right to use
a device or a digital file. Devices with restricted use are
myriad, including automobiles, photocopy machines,
cell phones and firearms. However, digital rig hts are
also becoming increasingly important: the right to
listen to a downloaded song or watch a movie or
open a document. Digital Rights Management and
transportable asset protection are likely to become
increasingly coupled in the future. In most of these
cases the user has a reason to prevent third parties from
obtaining the asset; in other cases it is the serv ice
provider that the vested interest.
From an implementatio n perspective, of parti-
cular interest – due both to their importance and
popularity – are those systems composed of a host
(e.g., mobile handset) and a hardware token or other
▶ secure element (SE) used to store secrets and/or
provide access to services. The biometric sensor is
attached to the host, which usually offers little or no
physical protection from hackers and may provide
dubious overall security. In contrast, the secure ele-
ment – physically or wirelessly connected to the host
– is typically a closed, tamper-resistant, well-trusted,
standardized and usually certified system with a very
lightweight microcontroller and some FLASH memory
or EEPROM storage. Smart cards and SIM cards are
the most prevalent examples of SEs that are completely
separate entities from the host.
▶ Near Field Commu-
nication (NFC) controller chips, used for short ra nge
mobile transactions, are an example of a device that
can be permanently integrated into the host hardware
itself. The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is the
secure element insid e the high-end notebook compu-
ters that incorporate them.
A well-designed secure element is a single-chip
entity designed to exacting specifications to achieve a
‘‘black box’’ nature. In the locked state, therefore, an SE
is fairly impenetrable. However, the vast majority of
these devices are unlocked by entering a 4-digit Per-
sonal Identification Number or PIN, which in itself is
not terribly secure, since a PIN entry can be observed
by onlookers and does not tie the unlocking process to
a person as would biometric authentication. Further-
more, when cryptography is employed in a system,
such as digitally signing a document, the expectation
is for a very high level of security and trust. However,
those having experience with such systems know that
the weakest link is often in protecting the private key,
something that most existing secure elements rely
upon and that a simple PIN can provide. Without a
biometric match, the system-wide security of a 256-
bit cryptographic key is reduced from 2
to 10
per break-in attempt. Hence the need for biome trics is
clear, not only for increased security but also
Despite the drawbacks of the PIN, in the discussion
that follows the host is considered to be a non -secure
entity while the secure element is maximally trusted.
Therefore, the more processing done on the secure
element, the safer the system. As will become clear,
the most secure platforms are the ones in which the
host and the secure elements are the same physical
System Architectures
Implementations of transpor table asset protection sys-
tems are varied. The most tr ivial, least secure architec-
ture employs only a host, with no secure element
connected to the system. Security risks abound, the
Transportable Asset Protection