II,Introduction-11,§1, 1
characteristic of lagrangian analysis is the following: at each point z
of V, the group Sp2(l) of changes of frame acts on the germs of expres-
sions UR of a lagrangian function U and not on the values at z of these
expressions. U. = SUR, may have singularities on ER, but has none on
ER.\ER, n ER, whereas the singularities of UR, are on ER.. Thus the singu-
larities of the expressions UR of U are not singularities of U; they may be
described as apparent singularities. Their nature can be made explicit by
making use of the Maslov index.
Historical account. V. P. Maslov [10] elucidated this essential charac-
teristic of lagrangian analysis, even though he only studied the projections
of lagrangian functions onto X without defining either lagrangian oper-
ators or lagrangian functions explicitly. He only used a subgroup of
Sp 2(1), depending on a choice of coordinates of X : the subgroup generated
by Fourier transforms in a single coordinate.
§1. Formal Analysis
0. Summary
In section 1 we define and study asymptotic equivalence classes of functions.
In section 2 we define formal functions; formal functions defined on X
with compact support are asymptotic equivalence classes. Then we may
integrate them (section 3) and transform them by Sp2(l) and by differential
operators, whose definition can be generalized (sections 4 and 6). We
deduce (sections 4 and 6) that Sp2(l) and formal differential operators act
locally on formal functions defined on lagrangian manifolds V or their
covering spaces V; these functions may be compactly supported or not.
In section 5 we study their scalar product.
Formal functions on V, which are no longer asymptotic equivalence
classes, enable us to define lagrangian functions in §2.
1. The Algebra ' (X) of Asymptotic Equivalence Classes
The algebra -4(X)
Let I be the purely imaginary half-line
I = ill, 301EC.
I(X) denotes the algebra of mappings
f:I x X-3 (v,x)F-- f(v,x)EC