KI[ r - z, (- 1)] = KI[Q* - T, (1)] = 0,
the preceding expression for Inert(A, X, X*) is equivalent to (4.12). Now
or and rr* satisfy conditions (4.10) and (4.11) and are determined by them
up to the addition of 1-cycles y and y* in S' such that y - y* belongs to
the half-circle in S', where Im z > 0. Since y and y* are then homologous,
KI[y, (-1)] = KI[;,*, (01
Thus (4.12) holds for any pair (a, a*) satisfying (4.10) and (4.11).
5. The Maslov Index m on A(1)
We are going to supplement Arnold's definition [1], but first we shall use
the following preliminary definition.
Definition 5.1 of the index M on A4(1). Let (v,, v') be an element of
A,,(l) x A,,(1) = A',(1), that is, a pair of elements of A.,(1). Let v and
w(v) be the natural images of v., in A(1) and W(l) [cf. (2.3)], and let v'
and w' = w(v') be the images of v.. By lemma 2.1, 3°), the condition that
v and v' be transverse can be expressed as
(1) 0 sp(ww'-');
sp(ww'-1), which we denote sp(v, v'), is a 0-chain in S' (see Lefschetz [9]).
The mapping
F n (vim, vim)
- sp(v,
maps the arc r onto a 1-chain in S1 denoted sp(r). If
ar = 0, tip)
- (µ., Nx),
asp(r) = sp(, ti') - sp(µ, µ').
,Z and 2' are transverse, u and µ' are transverse;
then by lemma 2.1, 3°),
(1) Ojasp(r)I.