c(p) is independent of p and will be denoted c. Let F be the Fourier trans-
form and let g = F-1 f e ."(X). By the definition of F,
f(x) =
= ce-v<P
we obtain
Sf = Cf Vf E .9'(X).
Now 9'(X) is dense in .9''(X). Therefore S = c e C. This proves the lemma.
Some other subgroups of G(l) will be needed in proving that the map
G(l) - Sp(l) is an epimorphism. They are
i. the finite group generated by the Fourier transforms in one of the
coordinates (some base of the vector space X having been fixed);
ii. the group consisting of automorphisms of .9''(X) of the form
f -. e°Qf,
where Q is a real quadratic form mapping X -. R;
iii. the group consisting of automorphisms of .9''(X) of the form
f' -* f, where f (x) =
det T f'(Tx), T an automorphism of X.
Each of these groups has a restriction to .9'(X) that gives a group of
automorphisms of .9'(X) and a restriction to .*'(X) that gives a group of
unitary (that is, isometric and invertible) transformations of .i*'(X). The
following definition uses these properties.
Definition 1.2. Let A be the collection of elements A each consisting of
1°) a quadratic form X Q+ X
R, whose value at (x, x') e X Q+ X is
A (x, x') = Z <Px, x> - <Lx, x'> + Z <Qx', x'), (1.9)
where, if `P denotes the transpose of P,
P = `P:X -. X*, L:X,-. X*, Q = `Q:X -+ X*,
det L A 0;
2°) a choice of arg det L = nm(A), m(A) e Z, which allows us to define
A(A) = det L
arg A(A) = (rz/2)m(A).