SS'S" = E [identity element of Sp2(1)].
Let s, s', s" be the images of these elements under the natural projection onto
Sp(l). We define
Inert(S, S', S") = Inert(s, s', s").
3°) Formula (2.15) and definition 1.2 define the Maslov index m on
Sp2(1)\Y-SD,. It is a locally constant function (discontinuous on 1sP2) with
values in Z4. It satisfies
m(S-') = 1 - m(S),
m(-S) = m(S) + 2 mod4,
Inert(S, S', S") = m(S) - m(S'-1) + m(S") mod 4.
Remark 2.3.
We shall see later that m is characterized by the last formula
and the property of being locally constant.
Remark 2.4.
Sp2(1) contains the three subgroups of G(l) defined in section
1 by (i) Fourier transformation, (ii) quadratic forms, and (iii) automor-
phisms of X.
Proof. Let S be an element of one of the three subgroups. It is easy to
find A E A such that
SSA = S,,.,
where A' E A.
Remark 2.5.
It can be shown that every S E Sp2(!) is of the form
S = S1S2S3S4,
where S3 E (i),
is a Fourier transformation in at most
I coordinates; S, and S4 E (ii), that is, they are of the form f' i-+ e"4f',
where Q is a real quadratic form; and S2 E (iii), that is, S2 has the form
f' i--
det T f' o T, where T is an automorphism of X.
3. Differential Operators with Polynomial Coefficients
By definition 1.1, the elements of Sp2(1) transform differential operators
with polynomial coefficients into operators of the same type. Section 3
describes this transformation more explicitly.
Let a+ and a- be two polynomials in 1/v, x, and p:
x, p) _
a. (v, x)pa,
(v, p, x) _ >paaa (v, x)