396 Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition
the main stage nozzles when they are unfueled but still exposed to the hot
engine environment.
There are a number of drawbacks to radial staging. One basic drawback
is that all zones are supplied with air at the compressor outlet temperature,
which means that all zones have the same relatively poor lean blowout
limit. It is also clear that pollutants reduction is achieved at the expense of
increased design complexity and a marked increase in the number of fuel
injectors. The larger liner wall surface area demands additional cooling air,
which has an adverse effect on pattern factor. Furthermore, the peaks of the
radial temperature prole could shift in radial position as a result of fuel
staging, with potential adverse effects on the hot sections downstream of the
combustor. Another basic problem with radial staging is that of achieving
the desired performance goals at intermediate power settings where both
zones are operating well away from their optimum design points.
The radially staged combustor shown in Figure 9.19 was designed by the
General Electric company. It achieved around 35% reductions in CO and UHC,
and 45% reduction in NO
, in comparison with the corresponding single-
annular combustor. The GE CFM56-5B engine, tted with this dual-annular
combustor, is now in service on Airbus Industrie A320 and A321 aircraft. The
GE90 dual-annular combustor has also received ight certication.
With “series” or “axial” fuel staging, a portion of the fuel is injected into a
fairly conventional primary combustion zone. Additional fuel, usually pre-
mixed with air, is injected downstream into a “secondary” or “main” combus-
tion zone, which operates at low equivalence ratios to minimize the formation
of NO
and smoke. The primary combustion zone is used on engine startup
and generates the temperature rise needed to raise the rotational speed up
to engine idle conditions. At higher power settings, fuel is supplied to the
secondary combustion zone and, as the engine power rises toward its maxi-
mum value, the function of the primary zone becomes increasingly one of
providing the heat needed to initiate rapid combustion of the fuel supplied
to the second stage.
Axial staging does have certain advantages over radial staging. Since
the main stage is downstream of the pilot stage, ignition of the main stage
directly from the pilot is both rapid and reliable. Also, the hot gas ow from
the pilot into the main combustion zone ensures high combustion efciency
from the main stage, even at low equivalence ratios. According to Segalman
et al. [49], the radial temperature prole at the combustor exit can be devel-
oped to a satisfactory level using conventional dilution hole trimming and,
once developed, does not change signicantly as a result of fuel staging.
The main drawback to axial staging is that the in-line arrangement of
stages tends to create additional length, which makes the problem of retrot
difcult for some engines. In comparison with conventional combustors, the
liner surface area that needs to be cooled is higher. The fuel injectors for
the two combustion stages require separate feed arms, which involve two
separate penetrations of the combustor casings. Furthermore, the pilot fuel