382 Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition
in the spray is capable of supporting “envelope” ames. These envelope
ames, which surround the larger drops, burn in a diffusion mode at near-
stoichiometric fuel/air ratios, giving rise to many local regions of high tem-
perature in which NO
is formed in appreciable quantities. Reduction in
mean drop size impedes the formation of envelope ames, so that a larger
proportion of the total combustion process occurs in what is essentially a
premixed mode, thereby generating less NO
Envelope ames are unlikely to occur in combustion zones supplied with
light distillate fuels but, even if none are present, with increasing drop size
a larger proportion of the fuel burns in the fuel-rich regions created in the
wakes of the moving drops. Although, in theory, combustion within these
localized regions can take place at any equivalence ratio within the amma-
bility limits, it tends to occur preferentially at the stoichiometric value, i.e.,
at the maximum temperature, thereby producing high levels of NO
. This
hypothesis serves to explain why NO
emissions increase with SMD for lean
mixtures. However, as the overall equivalence ratio increases toward unity,
the local fuel/air ratio adjacent to the fuel drops approaches the premixed
value. According to this hypothesis, mean drop size should have no inu-
ence on NO
emissions for stoichiometric mixtures, and this is generally con-
rmed by the results shown in Figure 9.11. This gure is important because
it demonstrates that even at low equivalence ratios, where the average com-
bustion temperature is so low that only negligible amounts of NO should, in
theory, be formed, the presence of fuel drops in the combustion zone gives
rise to conditions in which combustion can and does proceed at near-stoi-
chiometric equivalence ratios, regardless of the average equivalence ratio in
the combustion zone. This, of course, is the rationale for the various types of
lean, premix, prevaporize (LPP) combustors whose success relies largely on
the elimination of all fuel drops from the combustion zone.
9.5 Pollutants Reduction in Conventional Combustors
Although it might reasonably be argued that conventional combustors no
longer pose any real technical challenge, they do, nevertheless, constitute
the large majority of combustors now in service. Furthermore, most of our
knowledge of the key factors governing pollutant formation in continuous
ow combustion systems, which is now being applied to the design and
development of low-NO
combustors, was acquired from experience gained
on what are now called “conventional” combustors.
In the previous section, attention was focused on the various mechanisms
and processes involved in the formation of pollutant emissions. Of equal
interest and importance is the application of this knowledge to the problems
of alleviating pollutant emissions in practical combustion systems.