96 Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition
also their effective area ratios, are especially subject to manufacturing
variations, differential thermal expansion between the liner and casing,
and the thermal distortion that occurs with changes in engine operating
conditions. Another drawback is that the distribution of air between the
inner and outer annuli, which governs the ow distribution throughout
the liner, is very sensitive to variations in inlet velocity prole. The effect
is minor when the inlet velocity is low, because the fraction of total pres-
sure that is tied up in kinetic energy is so small that the static pressure
drop across the combustor effectively controls its airow distribution.
In consequence, the airow pattern tends to remain constant, regardless
of variations in inlet velocity prole. However, when the inlet velocity
is high, a signicant proportion of the total pressure is in the form of
dynamic pressure, and the static pressure drop across the combustor is
correspondingly lower. Under these conditions, it is the distribution of
dynamic pressure in the inlet airstream that controls the airow distri-
bution throughout the combustor. For a at or symmetrical velocity pro-
le, this would present no special problems because the extra velocity
could readily be accommodated by an increase in diffuser pressure loss.
Unfortunately, an increase in compressor outlet velocity is almost invari-
ably accompanied by a deterioration in velocity prole, to the extent that
often makes it virtually impossible to achieve a balanced airow distribu-
tion inside the liner.
To balance the aerodynamic ow pattern within the liner, it is necessary
to attain symmetry in terms of the mass ows of the opposing jets, the pen-
etration of these jets, and their momentum. If the air entering the combus-
tion chamber has a at velocity prole, it is possible to achieve matching, or
symmetry, on all three counts. However, if the velocity prole is distorted,
i.e., peaked either to the outside or the inside of the diffuser centerline,
then one can achieve symmetry only with two of the three parameters.
The designer can choose which two to balance by suitable alterations to
passage areas and by modications to liner hole sizes, but the fact remains
that a distorted velocity prole at the combustor inlet always results in an
unbalanced liner airow pattern.
To some extent, the problems described above can be alleviated by arrang-
ing for the snout diffuser to accept an airow that exceeds its normal require-
ments. The excess air then ows into the inner and outer passages through
short slots, as illustrated in Figure 3.10. With this conguration, the snout acts
as a plenum chamber, supplementing the airow in both liner passages—but
especially in whichever passage is decient in air due to a shift in inlet veloc-
ity prole. Another drawback to faired diffusers is the risk of air leakage
between the burner feed arm and the hole in the combustor snout through
which it is inserted.
In summary, the faired diffuser has the great advantage of low pressure
loss, some one-third less than that of the dump diffuser. This important