128 Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition
the dilution holes. For this and other reasons, several studies have been
carried out on the penetration and mixing of “single-sided” jets, i.e., jets of
air entering the crossow through a single row of holes located in one wall
of a rectangular duct.
Most of the results obtained on jets in crossow applicable to gas tur-
bine combustors have been reviewed and summarized by Holdeman [17].
Generally, they conrm the ndings of Sridhara [15] and Norster and
Lefebvre [16,18] in regard to the overriding importance of momentum-ux
ratio, initial jet diameter, and the number of jets to the penetration and mix-
ing of multiple jets in crossow.
Early studies on jet penetration and mixing were largely conned to
round holes and circular jets. Since then, much useful information has
been obtained by Holdeman et al. [17,19–23] on a wide variety of hole con-
gurations. According to Holdeman et al. [19], similar jet penetration can be
obtained over a wide range of J values, independent of orice diameter, if
the orice spacing and J
are inversely proportional. However, it should be
noted that in practical combustors the amount of air available for dilution is
usually what remains after the requirements of combustion and wall cooling
have been met. Under these conditions, where variation in dilution airow
rate is not an option available to the designer, any change in J will necessitate
a change in orice diameter if optimum penetration and mixing are to be
Kamotani and Greber [24] used smoke photographs to investigate the
detailed features of jet interaction in single- and multiple-row jets. They
observed that when two closely spaced jets are arranged parallel to the
crossow, the rear jet, being in the wake of the front jet, remains almost
undeected until it meets the front jet, whereupon the two jets quickly com-
bine. The penetration of this combined jet is slightly greater than that of a
single jet injected from a hole having a cross-sectional area equal to the sum
of the two separate holes. Holdeman [17] also compared the penetrations of
a single row of round holes and several equal-area double-row circular hole
congurations at intermediate momentum-ux ratios (J = 26) and found the
average penetration to be nearly the same for all congurations.
In a separate series of experiments, Kamotani and Greber [24] studied the
effects of an opposite wall on the characteristics of turbulent jets injected
into a crossow. They found that an opposite wall has relatively little effect
on a single jet unless J is large enough to cause the jet to impinge on the wall.
They also conducted experiments in which two jets impinged on each other,
to compare behavior in this situation with behavior when there is interaction
with an opposite wall. Their measurements showed that the trajectories for
these two situations are virtually indistinguishable from each other. Thus,
as far as velocity trajectories are concerned, the plane of symmetry between
two opposing jets can be considered equivalent to a wall. However, for this
to be true, it is very important that the velocities of the two opposing jets be
matched quite closely.