Fig. 22 Modified Goodman relationship.
The modified Goodman relationship is illustrated in Fig. 22. This curve is a
failure locus for the case of uniaxial fatigue stressing. Any cyclic loading that
produces an alternating stress and mean stress that exceeds the bounds of the
locus will cause failure in fewer than N cycles. Any alternating stress–mean
stress combination that lies within the locus will result in more than N cycles
without failure. Combinations on the locus produce failure in N cycles. The
modified Goodman relationship shown in Fig. 22 considers fatigue failure ex-
clusively. The reader is cautioned to ensure that the maximum and minimum
stresses produced by the cyclic loading do not exceed the material yield strength
such that failure by yielding would be predicted to occur.
5.5 Fatigue Crack Propagation
A fatigue crack that has been initiated by cyclic loading, or any other preexisting
flaw in the structure or material, may be expected to grow under sustained cyclic
loading until it reaches the critical size from which it will propagate rapidly to
catastrophic failure in accordance with the principles of fracture mechanics. For
many structures or machine elements, the time required for a fatigue-initiated
crack or a preexisting flaw to grow to critical size is a significant portion of the
total life.
The fatigue crack growth rate da/dN has been found to often correlate with
the crack-tip stress intensity factor range such that
⫽ g(⌬K) (14)
⌬K is the mode I stress intensity factor range, computed using the max-
imum and minimum applied stresses with
⌬K ⫽ K
⫺ K
. Most crack growth
rate data produced have been characterized in terms of
⌬K. For example, Fig.
23 illustrates indirectly the dependence of fatigue crack growth on stress inten-
sity factor. The crack growth rate, indicated by the slope of the a versus N
curves, increases with both the applied load and crack length. Since the crack-
tip stress intensity factor range also increases with applied load and crack length,
it is clear that the crack growth rate is related to the applied stress intensity
factor range.
To plot the data of Fig. 23 in terms of the stress intensity factor range and
crack growth rate, the crack growth rate is estimated from a numerically deter-