A standard that applies directly to ultrasonic testing is ASTM E494, ‘‘Stan-
dard Practice for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Materials.’’
4.2 Radiography
Radiography uses radiation to characterize a material’s structure by examining
the interaction between the electromagnetic wave and the material itself. The
detection of voids, cracks, pores, and other defects is the primary goal of this
technique. The detection of these defects is a result of the attenuation and scatter
of the radiation as it passes through the material. Various radiation sources can
be used in the application of radiography but the most versatile has been found
to be X-ray sources. There are two common methods for employing X-ray
sources to discover discontinuities and defects in a material’s structure. One
method is to create a two-dimensional image of the test specimen or component
where the variation of the image intensity indicates the degree of attenuation.
Another approach is to use many attenuation image ‘‘slices’’ and an algorithm
to develop a three-dimensional image.
X-ray microradiography techniques employ a divergent X-ray beam to pro-
duce a two-dimensional image of the test specimen or component being inves-
tigated. High contrast and clarity are required when trying to detect the
inherently small defects in most ceramics. One common method of applying X-
ray microradiography is using a contact method where the test specimen or
component being studied contacts an imaging medium, which results in a high-
resolution image. Another method uses X-ray sources that are typically less than
m, which allows direct magnification of the component or test specimen
The ability of these methods to detect defects is dependent on the
degree of contrast and resolution that is obtained in the image. One disadvantage
to this two-dimensional technique is that cracks and other linear defects orien-
tated transverse to the beam direction will be much more difficult to detect.
X-ray computed tomography utilizes many two-dimensional ‘‘slice’’ images
of the X-ray attenuation to form a three-dimensional representation of the object
being investigated. This is especially useful when trying discover defects and
discontinuities in a complex three-dimensional component. It is used primarily
as a research tool and a few of the main drawbacks to the technique are its high
cost and complexity.
Ceramic materials have important functions in various electrical and electronic
applications. Ceramics, with their unique properties, provide capacitive, insula-
tive, conductive, resistive, and other functions in electronic circuitry. An example
of the important role ceramics have in electronics is the use of advanced ceram-
ics such as alumina oxide (Al
) as the substrate material in electronic pack-
aging. Increases in circuit density have consequently resulted in more stringent
requirements being placed on substrate materials. A substrate is desired that has
thermal expansion characteristics that closely match with silicon to prevent crit-
ical thermal stresses. A low dielectric constant is also needed to improve signal
processing. In addition, thermal conductivity is a high priority to dissipate heat
from the high-density circuit. Based on stringent requirements such as these, the
development of new advanced ceramics and subsequent testing to quantify the