of such failures and their effects (or consequences), as well as their effect on pro duction
availability and reliability, safety, cost, quality, etc., on a component level. The failure
modes are normally and preferably analysed by the use of a standardized form that
describes the failure, its causes and how it is detected, the various effects of the failure,
as well as assessing important parameters such as failure rate, severity and criticality.
FMECA is a qua ntitative method. However, the origi nal version of FMECA is a
qualitative version where the measured criticality is excluded, i.e. Failure Mode Effect
Analysis (FMEA). Therefore, FMECA is still often described as a qualitative method in
the literature.
8.6.1 Principle
The simple standardized forms used in FMECA assist the analyst to review the possible
failure modes and identify their effects. The FMECA method can be used systematically to
identify the most effective risk-reducing measures, which assist the process of selecting
suitable design alternatives in an early design phase. As such the FMECA may be a
valuable historical document for future design changes. The FMECA method is also used
to form a basis for extensive quantitative reliability analyses with the objective of
establishing sound maintenance strategies.
Ta b l e 8 . 8 . Causes for the deviations and safety measures
No. Causes Safety measures
1 Operation failure or control mechanism
failure, alignment mechanism defect
See 2, 3, 4 and 5
2 Object in the water breaks the blade Implementation of propeller protection
such as gratings or water jet. Sail in
ice-free waters. See 7 and 8
3 Material weakness Improve design and construction
4 Material weakness Improve design and construction
5 Wrong design, corrosion or cavitation,
alignment mechanism is defective
and causes different pitch on the
blades which again causes extra load
on bearings and shaft line
Validate propeller design, cathodic
protection, appropriate propeller
material, test the propeller against
cavitations, periodic alignment
6 Operation failure Surveillance, increase operator
7 Operation failure Surveillance, increase operator
8 Operation failure Surveillance, increase operator
9 Operation failure Technical equipment, operator
competence and surveillance