The PDF and CDF for a Poisson distribution with ¼0.5 are shown graphically and in
the table below.
4.3.4 The Uncertainty of the Estimated k
In certain situations we are concerned with the uncertainty of the estimated parameter
of the Poisson distribution, . As we recall, the parameter expresses both the mean and
the variance.
Let us illustrate this by the following example. A port has kept a close look on the
accident record for some years and has established the following time series for the
number of accidents and number of calls (ship visits):
The port management has been concerned about the seemingly high accident frequency
reported for 1994. Again, the question that might be raised is whether this indicates a loss
of control over safety for the port.
The previous safety level may be expressed by means of the average accident rate for
the 5-year period (1989–93):
Mean number of accidents/year: N
¼8 þ6 þ7 þ7 þ9 ¼37
Mean number of calls/year: N
¼23, 529 þ27,270 þ25,925 þ24, 140 þ25,000
¼125, 864
The mean loss rate is ¼N
¼37=125,864 ¼2:94 accidents=10,000 calls:
The 5-year average loss rate for the most recent period (1990–94), which includes the
high value for the last year, is:
Mean number of accidents/year: N
¼ 6 þ 7 þ 7 þ 9 þ 11 ¼ 40
Mean number of calls/year: N
¼ 27, 270 þ 25, 925 þ 24, 140 þ 25, 000 þ 21, 430
¼ 123, 765
The mean loss rate is ¼ 40=123; 765 ¼ 3:23 accidents=10, 000 calls:
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Accidents/year 8 6 7 7 9 11
Calls/year 23,529 27,270 25,925 24,140 25,000 21,430
Accidents/10,000 visits 3.4 2.2 2.7 2.9 3.2 5.6