An Asymptotic Method of Boundary-Value
Problems Solution of Elasticity Theory for Thin
Lenser A. Aghalovyan
Institute of Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Armenia
Abstract. By an asymptotic method the solution of boundary value problems of
elasticity theory for isotropic, anisotropic, layered beams, plates and shells is built.
The first, second and the mixed boundary problems for one-layered and multy-
layered beams, plates and shells are solved. The asymptotic method permits us to
solve effectively dynamic problems for thin bodies. Free and forced vibrations are
considered. General asymptotic solutions are obtained. The conditions of reso-
nance rise are established.
1 Introduction
Thin bodies, met in various spheres of technics are characteristic so that one of
their dimensions sharply differs from the two others. For beams and bars the length
is much more than the dimensions of the cross-section, and for plates and shells the
thickness is much less than their tangential dimensions. Therefore, passing to di-
mensionless coordinates in the equations of elasticity theory and using dimen-
sionless displacements, these equations will contain small geometrical parameter
. It has become clear, that the equations system of elasticity theory for thin bod-
ies is singularly perturbed by small parameter [1]. The solution of such systems is
combined from the solution of the inner problem (basic solution) and the solution
for the boundary layer [1-4]:
II I=+
In the paper by an asymptotic method the solution of the inner problem for iso-
tropic, anisotropic, layered beams and bars, for plates and shells is built.
The solution for the boundary layer of the strip-rectangle, plates and shells is
built. By the asymptotic method the second and the mixed boundary problems for
thin bodies are solved [1,5,6]. The method permits us to solve effectively dynamic
problems for thin bodies [6,7].