Biography XXI
6. “Matrix Theory in Photoelasticity,” Springer-Verlag Series in Optical Sciences,
Vol. 11, Springer-Verlag, 1979 (with Professor E.E. Gdoutos)
7. “Mixed Mode Crack Propagation” Edited by G. Sih and P.S. Theocaris, Sijthoff
& Noordhoff, Holland, 1981.
8. “Compedium in Astronomy,” Edited by E. Mariolopoulos, P.S. Theocaris and L.
Mavridis, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Holland, 1982.
9. “Interrelation Between Processing, Structure and Properties of Polymeric
Materials,” IUPAC International Symposium, Athens 1982, J. Seferis and P.S.
Theocaris, Editors, Elsevier, Netherlands, 1984.
10. “The Concept of Mesophase in Composites,” Springer-Verlag, 1985.
“Experimental Study of the Stability of Parthenon”, Transactions of the National
Academy of Athens, Vol. 44, No.4, p.116, 1979 (with E. Koroneos).
Book Chapters
1 “Studiul Cimpurilor de Tensiuni Singulare Ci Ajutorul Causticelor.” (La Me-
thode des Caustiques a L'etude de Champs des Contraintes Singuliers). Chap-
ter VI in Handbook on Applications of Stress Methods (Book in Romanian,
Professor D.R. Mocanu, Editor) 1977.
2 “Methods Kaustik-Nova Doswiadczaina Badania Osobliwosci Pola
Naprazenia,” Review paper about caustics in Polish published by the Polish
3 “Stresses in Three-Dimensional Composites with Limiting Shear Properties,”
Development in Composite Materials, Chapter 9, G.S. Holister Editor, Ap-
plied Science Publishers, England, 1977.
4 “Modern Methods in Polarization Optics,” Developments in Stress Analysis
1, Chapter 3, G.S. Holister Editor, Applied Science Publishers, England,
5 “The Method of Caustics Applied to Elasticity Problems,” Developments in
Stress Analysis 1, Chapter 2, G.S. Holister, Editor, Applied Science Publish-
ers, England, 1979.
6 “Elastic Stress Intensity Factors Evaluated by Caustics: Experimental Deter-
mination of Crack-Tip Stress Intensity Factors,” Mechanics of Fracture. Vol.
VII, G. Sih, Editor, 1980.
7 “The Interphase and its Influence on the Mechanical Properties of Composites,”
“New Developments in the Characterization of Polymers in the Solid
State - Advances in Polymer Science,” H.H. Kausch and H.G. Zachmann Edi-
tors, Springer Publ., Germany, 1984.
8 “Crack Propagation Modes in Composites: The Influence of Mesophase,”
Handbook of Advanced Materials Testing, Vol. II., Chapter 26, N.P.
Cheremisinoff, Editor, M. Dekker, Publ., N. Jersey, U.S.A., 1994.