Some Actual Problems of Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structures 415
The main idea of the non-classical approach (fracture mechanics) is the follow-
ing: it is assumed that during the transition of the deformed body element from C-
state to P-state a certain intermediate П-state is formed (Fig. 1b), which should be
considered when solving the problem on strength of materials with crack-like de-
fects [1, 2].
An important feature of the deformed solid regions, where P-states (regions of
the material prefracture) appear, is the fact that the material here is always de-
formed beyond the stress limit. Just in these regions of the material occur the in-
tensive processes of plastic yield, interaction with the environment, diffusion
processes, material damaging etc. All this causes local fracture of the material, i.e.
Thus, non-classical fracture chart (Fig. 1b), put into the basis of the modern
fracture mechanics, takes into account the П-state of the material in deformed sol-
ids (such states arise mainly at the tips of crack-like defects, Fig. 1c).
In the second half of the 20
century fracture mechanics of materials as a mod-
ern science on strength and structural integrity intensively developed in different
countries of the world: in Great Britain, China, Italy, Germany, Poland, Russia,
USA, Ukraine, Hungary, France, Japan and other. Speaking about the scientists
who founded the basis of fracture mechanics and who were the first to implement
the ideas of non-classical approach to the assessment of the deformation of the
solid with sharp stress concentrators we must mention A. Griffith, G. Irwin, K.
Weighard [1–8]). (In [3] one can find publications about the history of fracture
mechanics development).
3 Griffith–Irwin Concept
A. Griffith (1920, 1924) was the first to consider the presence of П-states in the
stress-strained body (material) at the crack tip and to formulate the criterion (con-
dition) of crack growth and formation of new surface (fracture) of a body, using
not a classical approach but a generalized energy balance of a deformed solid with
a crack and the energy that is spent for the formation of new surface during crack
propagation. He was also first who formulated a known energetic criterion of
crack propagation in a deformed body [9]. The establishment of the structure of
stress field asymptotic and displacements at the crack–cut in the deformed solid
(see ref. in [1–3]) was a very important stage in fracture mechanics development.
Thus it was shown that the stress tensor components (
σ , Fig. 2) near the crack
tip can be written as:
I0 1 II0 2 III0 3
() () () 0(1),
ij ij ij ij
Kf K f K f
σ = θ+ θ+ θ +
,,,ij xyz=
in Cartesian coordinate system or ,,,ij r z=θ in polar (cylindri-
cal) coordinate system;
() () ()
,, ,, ,K K pl K K pl K K pl== =
are the stress intensity factors (SIF) that are the functions of the body configuration,