308 C.A. Sciammarella, F.M. Sciammarella, and L. Lamberti
strains are mostly tensile and very high. The order of magnitude reached by the
strain in this region corresponds to the part of the stress-strain curve limited by the
red parenthesis in Fig. 28a. The region where high tensile stresses take place is
outside of the contact area while the central part of contact area is under
compressive stresses.
The strain distribution along the horizontal cross-section corresponding to the
X-axis is plotted in Fig. 30. Since strain peaks are located at the path edges, micro-
cracking may occur at the corresponding points. In order to verify this hypothesis,
the topography of the contact region was analyzed in detail.
Fig. 30. Distribution of strain ε
along the horizontal diameter of Fig. 29 (white line control
Figure 31a shows the surface profile before loading: depth values ranged from
1 to 3 μm. Figure 31b shows the final configuration taken by contact surface when
the 286 N load was applied. It can be seen that depth values changed significantly
as they go from 0.2 μm to a maximum of 1.4 μm. The differences of depth
between the initial and the final surface configurations are shown in Fig. 31c:
these values were obtained by simply subtracting the data of Fig. 31b from the
data of Fig. 31a. The contact area indeed experienced large plastic deformations. It
was flattened in agreement with the results of the strain analysis of the surface.
The results of the present experiments are another verification of the model
introduced by Johnson in Contact Mechanics to explain the wear mechanism of
rolling surfaces [40]. Modeling this mechanism was proven to be a very difficult
challenge. The resulting wear particles are platelets that lie parallel, or nearly so, to
the rolling surface, on the planes of maximum compressive stress. The large plastic
strains measured in this experiment confirm the hypothesis that the resulting cracks
are ductile fractures, driven by plastic strain rather than the elastic stress intensity
instability and that these severe plastic strains are the consequence of the contact
between asperities. In the present experiment one of the contacting surfaces, the
glass plate, is very smooth. Therefore, the operating mechanism is one of flattening
the copper asperities against the supporting glass plate. The results presented in this