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elastic modulus for both bulk film and thin film materials [2-6]. Seebacher et al.
in their work used digital holography in evaluation of elastic modulus of silicon
microbeams. In their experiment, the cantilever beam was mechanically loaded by
a defined force in static manner at free end. The 3D-surface displacements were
measured and used in calculating elastic modulus [4]. Viotti et al. have proposed
an optical system which uses a spherical tip to introduce a permanent displace-
ment field to locally evaluate the elastic moduli of solid materials [5]. As vibration
behavior of structures is critically affected by elastic material properties, hence the
same can be used for estimation of elastic modulus in a non-destructive manner.
Recently, in 2007, evaluation of elastic modulus of cantilever beam using ESPI
and Euler–Bernoulli equation was demonstrated by Kang et al. [6]. The specimens
used for the elastic modulus experiment were of pure copper beam and cold rolled
carbon steel cantilever beams (ratio of length and width, a/b ≥10). But for the can-
tilever beam only bending modes are observed. The fringes in bending modes are
straight and directed in the direction parallel to the fixed edge at every resonance
frequency. This may lead to ambiguity in identifying the specific mode of vibra-
tion. Fringes generated due to the environmental perturbations may also create
ambiguity in measurement. Investigation of plate vibration has received consider-
able attention for academic research due to its wide range engineering applica-
tions. Speed of digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) made it a powerful
tool for scanning and recording mode shape of vibration of plate [7-10]. Mode
shapes of vibration for square, rectangular and many more shapes under different
boundary conditions using DSPI were studied in detail by many investigators [9,
11-13]. Results from DSPI reveal that for different torsional and plate modes of
vibration, at each natural frequency, the plate has a unique mode shape of vibra-
tion and the fringes are not unidirectionally parallel to the fixed edge of the plate
(as in the bending modes). This reduces chance of ambiguity due to environmental
perturbation and human error in identifying specific mode shape.
A technique for evaluation of elastic modulus has been proposed in this paper
which is based on vibration analysis of plate using DSPI and Rayleigh’s method.
At resonance frequencies the harmonically vibrating plate has zero displacement
along nodal line and higher displacement at other points. In time-average sequen-
tial subtraction DSPI, the brightest fringe represents the nodal line. A large num-
ber of experiments were conducted on square aluminum plates for the boundary
condition one edge fixed and other edges free. The evaluation of elastic modulus
is compared with the supplied data. Ease of sample preparation, simplicity in
evaluation, nondestructive nature of experimentations, and speed of DSPI has high
prospective in evaluation of elastic modulus of a material.
2 Principle
2.1 Determination of Elastic Modulus Using the Concept of Plate Vibration
The study is based on transverse/out-of-plane vibration of the plate. Normal and
shear forces in the plane of the flat plate of uniform thickness are shown in Fig.1.