40 A. M. C. A. Koster, X. Mu
noz More Network Planning Problems
As already pointed out, the discussed planning problems are at the core of more
complex network design problems. In-depth discussions of these can be found in
books such as [59, 79]. Two particular cases are discussed in this book. Chapter 3
discusses a multilayer network design problem whereas Chapter 8 is devoted to
shortest path network routing and planning; see also Section 1.6.1. A good resource
for realistic network planning instances is the SNDlib website [77].
1.5.4 A Randomized Cost Smoothing Approach for Optical
Network Design
Contributed by Alp
ar J
In info-communications network design, the cost of optical ports and links grows in
discrete steps as the capacity is being increased. This cost function is referred to as
“step function” or “staged capacity cost.”
In this section, we propose and compare methods that perform randomized
smoothing of these staged capacity cost functions to allow decomposition of the
network design problem into a sequence of weighted shortest path searches. Introduction
During an optical network design, not only the topology but also the demand rout-
ing and link/port capacities have to be determined. For example, in an SDH/SONET
network the capacities, i.e., the interface speeds, take values of 155.52; 622.08;
2,488.32; 9,953.28 and 39,813.12 Mbit/s, i.e., they always multiply by exactly four.
In optical transport networks (OTNs) the capacities take values of 2,666, 10,709,
and 43,018, i.e., values always multiply by a bit more than 4 (4.017). Furthermore,
in OTN and in any other Coarse WDM (CWDM) or Dense WDM (DWDM) system
one or more wavelengths can be used in parallel for demands of larger capacity, and
the number of wavelengths to be used in a WDM system varies in steps of 8, 16,
24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 80, 96, 120, and so on, wavelengths per fiber. This shows that for
all-optical networks we face staged capacity costs.
This section proposes a simple yet efficient approximation approach to handle
this problem. The methods presented here can be used for green-field design, net-
work extension, or configuration purposes (e.g., VPN, leased
, and leased line
services), as will be formulated in Section
ar J
Department of Operations Research, E
os University, P
any P. s. 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hun-
gary, e-mail: alpar@cs.elte.hu