1 Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks on Seven League Boots 49
In the case of a fixed spectrum, K-COLORABILITY is generalized in two ways
in case the problem is infeasible. If the planner needs to assign a frequency to
each transmitter, some unacceptable interference has to be permitted. Otherwise,
the planner might consider leaving some transmitters unassigned to avoid unaccept-
able levels of interference. If only co-channel interference is considered, the first
case is known as the minimum K-partition problem: We associate a value c
∈ Q
with all edges e ∈ E. The minimum K-partition problem now consists of a partition
of the vertices in K subsets S
such that the sum over all subsets of the to-
tal weight c
of the edges in G[S
] is minimized. Stated otherwise, all vertices in
a subset are assigned the same frequency, and so the interference incurred by this
assignment is given by the sum of the weights c
for all i, j ∈ S
. A solution with
total weight 0 exists if and only if the graph is K-colorable. See [42] for a solution
approach using semidefinite programming.
The second case is known as k-colorable induced subgraph. In this problem we
have to color as many vertices as possible with K colors. A solution where all ver-
tices are colored implies that the graph is K-colorable, whereas non-K-colorable
graphs have at least one vertex uncolored in any K-colorable induced subgraph so-
The inclusion of potential interference between nonidentical frequencies for
transmitter pairs results in the study of the so-called minimum blocking FAP. In-
clusion of the same information in the minimum K-partition problem results in the
minimum interference FAP.
Frequency Assignment in GSM Networks
We conclude the discussion of FAP with the formulation as integer linear program of
the minimum interference problem with co- and adjacent-channel interference,asit
occurs frequently in GSM networks.
Usually an operator of a GSM cellular phone
network has acquired the right to use a certain spectrum of frequencies [ f
, f
] in
a particular geographical region, e.g., a country. The frequency band is—depending
on the technology utilized—partitioned into a set of channels, all with the same
. The available channels are here denoted by F = {1,2,...,N}, where
N =(f
− f
. A transmitter pair is exposed to adjacent-channel interference
if the assigned frequencies are consecutive numbers in the spectrum.
In GSM networks, communication between mobile and base station (up-link)
as well as between base station and mobile (down-link) must be established. To
simplify the management of these networks, two separate, but paired, spectrums of
frequencies are licensed, one for up-link and one for down-link. For FAP one can re-
strict assigning down-link frequencies to the base stations, as the paired frequencies
can then be used for up-link communication.
We associate with the edges of the interference graph G =(V, E) two values
∈ Q
denoting the level of co- and adjacent-channel interference between
Some details are ignored; see, for example, [43] for a more detailed discussion