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11.3 Related Work
AP location has been occasionally studied separately [21, 32, 36], with the objective
of optimizing signal coverage and quality, and without referring to the CSMA/CA
mechanism. The WLAN channel assignment problem is related to GSM frequency
assignment problems [1, 2, 23], notably to the minimum-interference frequency as-
signment (see Section For GSM, graph-coloring techniques are used [12];
the graph-coloring approach is applied to WLAN in static [29] and dynamic [31, 37]
settings. Some contributions [26] use a more accurate model of MAC level perfor-
mance for channel assignment. Some NP-hardness results are known [26, 29] for
the channel assignment problem.
In conjunction, channel assignment and AP location for WLAN have often
been treated sequentially [14, 39], in a multi-objective setting [17]. Search heuris-
tics are most popular for these problems. Custom algorithms have been developed
in [27, 30]. Integer programming methods are also used [25, 28, 40]. The channel
assignment is, however, typically treated as a feasibility problem constraining an es-
sentially coverage-driven approach. In this chapter, Sections 11.5, 11.6, and 11.8.1
are based on [11, 33, 34], while Sections 11.7 and 11.8.2 are based on previous
work on efficiency optimization in single- and multiple-frequency WLANs [4–6].
11.4 Notation and Definitions
Let us introduce some mathematical notation to be used in our models. The set of
candidate AP locations is denoted by A = {1,...,A}, and we denote by A
{(a,b) : a,b ∈ A ,a < b} the set of ordered pairs of APs in A . Given two distinct
APs a,b, exactly one of (a,b) and (b,a) is in A
. The maximum number of installed
APs is denoted by M. The service area is represented by a set of test points (TPs)
I = {1,...,I}, where each element i ∈ I represents a potential user location. In
the remainder, the size of an area is measured by the number of TPs it contains.
For each AP a ∈ A we define a serving range, so that TPs within the serving
range of an AP can be served by the AP. For every TP i ∈ I ,weuseA
to denote
the set of APs for which i is within the serving ranges. Representing the same in-
formation from the AP point of view, we denote by I
the set of TPs that can be
served (or covered) by AP a ∈ A .
For every station (AP or TP) we define a second signal range, commonly referred
to as carrier sense range. A station is within carrier sensing range from some other
station if they operate on the same frequency channel and if the former, perform-
ing carrier sensing while the latter is transmitting, senses the channel as idle. This
implies that stations within each other’s carrier sense range have to contend for the
medium. For APs, the carrier sense range is at least as large as the serving range.
As discussed in Section 11.2.4, one important WLAN performance metric is
the single-user throughput, defined as the maximum achievable throughput when